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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 9, 2009
I have seen a ton of apps for linking to your iPhone. However i haven't really seen anyone say save your money and just sync your iphone calendar with the google calendar. that way if you update one the other shows the update.

you can do this two ways. via google sync which takes up your only MS Exchange or via CalDav Account.

now i know the CalDav will only allow you to sync one google calendar but i still think that is fine for most people.

-----now i'm ready to get yelled at for something i over looked------------
I bought CalenGoo as my wife complained of never having access to what she has written on the fridge calendar. I configured Google Calendar under her google account for her, shared her calender with my google account, bought CalenGoo and now we both can see and update the exact same google calendar and it updates in both directions - so worth the small cost.

Not sure if this helps you but I can whole heartedly recommend Calengoo.
my point is you don't need an app for that. you can do it for free
my point is you don't need an app for that. you can do it for free

I'm not disagreeing with you, yes you can but that applies to many many apps - CalenGoo makes the whole process so easy, plus if you are somewhere with no mobile signal it is stored locally on your iPhone and any changes you make get sync'd back on google calendar next time you run it with a connection.
CalDAV doesn't seem too reliable though. I was thrilled at the prospect of getting alerts from the inbuilt calendar, but some appointments I've entered via a different app don't sync to the inbuilt calendar till a whole week later at times.

I find the timebars in the monthview of [app]Pocket Informant[/app] extremely useful, so it was definitely worth the cost.
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