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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 2, 2022

I'm new here, so feel free to redirect me to another forum if there is one that would be more appropriate. :)

I recently realised that, to my terror, my Google Drive on my desktop is no longer syncing with the Google Drive linked to my gmail account, ie it is not backed up. I've been trying to figure out how to get it to sync, and just don't know how! In trying to get it to sync, I've also realised that the Google Drive icon has disappeared from my menu bar (i.e. the long thin bar running along the top of my screen) and I have no idea how to get that back either.

If it's relevant, I have a MacBook Air which is running Big Sur 11.4.

Any help would be much appreciated!!


Jun 30, 2007
I recently realised that, to my terror, my Google Drive on my desktop is no longer syncing with the Google Drive linked to my gmail account, ie it is not backed up.

Hopefully you have implemented a 3-2-1 backup strategy. Google Drive may not count, like iCloud, as a recommended backup since it is not a backup service such as Backblaze or Crashplan. Be sure to have at least one backup on physical media which you can store in a bank vault or other off-site secure location.
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