set theDMG to choose file with prompt "Please select GoogleEarthProMac-Intel.dmg file:" of type {"dmg"}
do shell script "hdiutil mount " & quoted form of POSIX path of theDMG
do shell script "pkgutil --expand /Volumes/Google\\ Earth\\ Pro\\\\ Google\\ Earth\\ Pro\\ ~/tmp"
do shell script "hdiutil unmount /Volumes/Google\\ Earth\\ Pro\\"
do shell script "cd ~/tmp/Google_Earth_Pro.pkg; cat Payload | gunzip -dc |cpio -i; ditto ~/tmp/Google_Earth_Pro.pkg/Google\\ Earth\\ /Applications/Google\\ Earth\\;"
do shell script "defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/ enableTips -bool NO"
do shell script "rm -rf ~/tmp"
do shell script "open -a /Applications/Google\\ Earth\\\\ Earth"
do shell script "rm -rf /Applications/Google\\ Earth\\" with administrator privileges
do shell script "rm -f ~/"
do shell script "rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/com.Google.GoogleEarthPro"
do shell script "launchctl unload -wF /Library/LaunchDaemons/" with administrator privileges
do shell script "rm -f /Library/LaunchDaemons/" with administrator privileges
do shell script "launchctl unload -wF /Library/LaunchAgents/" with administrator privileges
do shell script "rm -f /Library/LaunchAgents/" with administrator privileges
do shell script "launchctl unload -wF /Library/LaunchAgents/" with administrator privileges
do shell script "rm -f /Library/LaunchAgents/" with administrator privileges
do shell script "rm -rf ~/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate"
Earth in Chrome is not a patch on Google Earth. One can't be used and the other is lacking in usabilityJust use Earth in Chrome, that's what it's optimised for. The crappy old legacy app is due to die at some point.
If you downloaded GoogleEarthProMac-Intel.dmg again, the latest version is So, replace with in the script.Been playing around with script from bogdanw and getting the script to run now but getting this error
"Could not open package for expansion: /Volumes/Google Earth Pro Google Earth Pro" number 1
set theDMG to choose file with prompt "Please select GoogleEarthProMac-Intel.dmg file:" of type {"dmg"}
do shell script "hdiutil mount " & quoted form of POSIX path of theDMG
do shell script "pkgutil --expand /Volumes/Google\\ Earth\\ Pro\\ */Install\\ Google\\ Earth\\ Pro\\ *.pkg ~/tmp"
do shell script "hdiutil unmount /Volumes/Google\\ Earth\\ Pro\\ *"
do shell script "cd ~/tmp/Google_Earth_Pro.pkg; cat Payload | gunzip -dc |cpio -i; ditto ~/tmp/Google_Earth_Pro.pkg/Google\\ Earth\\ /Applications/Google\\ Earth\\;"
do shell script "defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/ enableTips -bool NO"
do shell script "rm -rf ~/tmp"
do shell script "open -a /Applications/Google\\ Earth\\\\ Earth"
try changing to auto proxyOk will give it a go, thanks
Hi bogdanw. Tried the new script but still no joy. However I decided on a whim to create a new administrator account and it opened google earth and ran immediately from applications folder, perfectly. No idea why, both accounts are identical. Now got to figure out how to move all the stuff from original account to the other without losing anything then can delete the troublesome one
Thanks or assist