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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 26, 2004


  • google nothing.jpg
    google nothing.jpg
    92.9 KB · Views: 145
  • google linux.jpg
    google linux.jpg
    56.7 KB · Views: 71
It was reported elsewhere that a Google spokesperson stated that Google had developed it's own Linux based on Ubuntu that they called "Goobuntu"... but that it was for internal use only.

The article you linked fails to mention the part about it being for internal use only... this isn't something they are going to release. They most likely just developed it because they didn't want their employees using the buggy/virus/spyware filled mess that is MS Windows.
atari1356 said:
It was reported elsewhere that a Google spokesperson stated that Google had developed it's own Linux based on Ubuntu that they called "Goobuntu"... but that it was for internal use only.

The article you linked fails to mention the part about it being for internal use only... this isn't something they are going to release. They most likely just developed it because they didn't want their employees using the buggy/virus/spyware filled mess that is MS Windows.

It would be really popular if they did, though. Imagine a GDE (Google Desktop Environment), GDBFS (Google Database File System), and integrated desktop search. WOW. I'm surprised they haven't done this yet.
savar said:
It would be really popular if they did, though. Imagine a GDE (Google Desktop Environment), GDBFS (Google Database File System), and integrated desktop search. WOW. I'm surprised they haven't done this yet.

Won't happen. Nobody will use a system that shows advertisements to the right of each window ;-)
Google wants to work with Sun to create an Office competitor and alternative.

Google is rumoured to have an OS in the works (possibly seperate from the supposed 'Goobuntu').

Google is also rumoured to be interested in selling Google-branded PC's as well.

Now, there are rumours, but every rumor known to man does have at least some truth to it. Google has denied some of these claims - but why wouldn't they? When is the last time a company released critical info that would help the competition get a leg up months or years before being ready?

I think all of these things are in line to happen, and that it is only a matter of time.
atari1356 said:
It was reported elsewhere that a Google spokesperson stated that Google had developed it's own Linux based on Ubuntu that they called "Goobuntu"... but that it was for internal use only.

Found this...

I hope this is a fake, because it's UGLY! Looks like a toy for 5 year olds.
AtHomeBoy_2000 said:
Found this...
I hope this is a fake, because it's UGLY! Looks like a toy for 5 year olds.

I don't think it is Google running the site.

Splitter corp
St. Charles Avenue
New Orleans LA, CA 70130


Administrative Contact:
Odriozola, Inglio
St. Charles Avenue
New Orleans LA, CA 70130

edit: i should actually read the page first. It's definitly not run by Google. :eek:
Oryan said:
edit: i should actually read the page first. It's definitly not run by Google. :eek:
Well, duh it's not run by google. But it sure is interesting. That GUI, seems very Google-ish even if it isnt.
Splitter corp
St. Charles Avenue
New Orleans LA, CA 70130


Administrative Contact:
Odriozola, Inglio
St. Charles Avenue
New Orleans LA, CA 70130

I know where St. Charles Ave. is in New Orleans is, but I'm not so sure where this New Orleans, Louisana, California is. Not to mention St. Charles Ave. is a couple miles long and they should definitely have a street address.
atari1356 said:
It was reported elsewhere that a Google spokesperson stated that Google had developed it's own Linux based on Ubuntu that they called "Goobuntu"... but that it was for internal use only.
A-yup. That would be here.
simie said:
Google Linux,1759,1917687,00.asp?kc=EWRSS03129TX1K0000616

I did a search in Google for Google Linux and came up with nothing, see for yourself. is a link to Google's Linux search engine - it turns up results related to linux instead of everything on the Internet. You can also get to this page by going to, clicking more, clicking special searches, and then clicking Linux. There's an Apple one too.
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