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I think most of us are by now familiar with Google's MO.

You can probably keep adding similar stories to this thread as time goes by.

Gruber (and Drance) nailed it recently:

Why Apple Doesn’t Talk, Vol. 2
Another good piece from Matt Drance, this one on Google CLO David Drummond’s post on mobile patents:

Nobody was waiting for Google to say something; Google stood up and demanded we all listen. If you walk up to the microphone like that, you need to have your story straight. It would not have been hard to spend a little more time preparing an impassioned and credible statement that appealed to the reader.
Florian has another update regarding Oracle vs. Google and how it affects Google's complaints against MS, Apple, etc.

Willful infringement reduces all assertions of antitrust violations to absurdity

On Wednesday, Google's chief legal officer, David Drummond, posted to Google's corporate blog an article entitled "When patents attack Android". That one contains a number of antitrust allegations (without any evidence presented so far) against Apple, Microsoft, Oracle "and others" asserting intellectual property rights against Android.

Any claim that other companies act anticompetitively is completely undermined by a finding of willful infringement. It's not just a credibility issue such as in connection with Google's newly-minted general criticism of software patents. It's worse than that. Antitrust law simply wasn't designed to provide immunity to reckless infringers who just decide to infringe rather than rewrite code to adopt a different programming language.
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