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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 10, 2009
OK its almost the end of October and we still dont have a official google music app? If that engadget article is to be trusted..should be sometime next week.

Anyone else frustrated? Cloud Play is decent but I really would a love amazing app for their music service. Still on the 7.99 plan from last May.
I'm waiting to try out the new app as well. Google Music website is a terrible experience on iOS so far and it's just too slow to load while out and about on LTE. iTunes Match destroys it currently.
I'm waiting to try out the new app as well. Google Music website is a terrible experience on iOS so far and it's just too slow to load while out and about on LTE. iTunes Match destroys it currently.

It is terrible and all access doesn't even work on it.

iTunes Match is a good service but I prefer to have an on demand music service as I consume about 25-30 new albums each year. Plus love that it stores all your own purchased music to the cloud. Sometimes random music that isn't found else can be added. Something I dont believe spotify can do.

Only killer feature that itunes has is smart playlist.
It is terrible and all access doesn't even work on it.

iTunes Match is a good service but I prefer to have an on demand music service as I consume about 25-30 new albums each year. Plus love that it stores all your own purchased music to the cloud. Sometimes random music that isn't found else can be added. Something I dont believe spotify can do.

Only killer feature that itunes has is smart playlist.
I've used Spotify and check up on it every now and then but it has maybe 50% of what I listen to and some that are missing are massively big artists. It just doesn't have as big a library. Deal breaker for me.

I will admit to having to use iTunes and Amazon to get everything I want. Even then sometimes I have to go directly to the artist or buy albums internationally (talk about price gouging). There are a few albums that I still can't get because they haven't been digitized yet. So I'm probably a fringe case as far as musical taste goes.
I'm sure its hung up in Apples approval process. There's no way they are excited for this to hit the app store.
I'm sure its hung up in Apples approval process. There's no way they are excited for this to hit the app store.

I hope your right. I would hope we would get some indication that they submitted it.

I dont think apple is that upset about it. It is a similar service to spotify, rdio, and xbox music.
After switching to Android for about 6 months and then switching back to iOS, I knew there was a possibility that I'd be going without Google Play Music on my phone.

I had NO IDEA how spoiled I was. I honestly feel that the Google Play Music just blows the iOS music app out of the water. It's not just the content either, the interface on Googles app is just fantastic.
they missed the deadline...hoping next week.

Who exactly announced that it'd be released in October? I can't find anything tied back to Google that states it...

For the record, I paid the $2 for Cloud Player and it gets the job done.
Who exactly announced that it'd be released in October? I can't find anything tied back to Google that states it...

For the record, I paid the $2 for Cloud Player and it gets the job done.

Cloud Player is nice but just not fully featured.

Google never said anything BUT engadget had sources the app would be released last month.
Cloud Player is nice but just not fully featured.

Google never said anything BUT engadget had sources the app would be released last month.

It works for streaming music while I'm at work or driving though. I usually pick something from my library and create a radio station from there.

But when I'm home and I want to continue the stream on my Chromecast, I'm not able to do that. Hopefully the Google app comes out soon.
I know there is already a thread on the release on the news section but since its dying down and a lot of that thread is fanboy wars about itunes match vs google music and blah blah. Please mods dont move. Its the original thread.

How are people liking the app? Its pretty great but still needs improvements. So far here are my issues

-Download offline. This can be done via playlist or album. What I would like to see is a download all songs for artist option. In the web app they have all your songs of an artist grouped together. I would like to see this on the app. Also in the android there was an option to just see music on this device. Needs to come to ios verson

-Delete playlist/edit
I don't see ability to delete or change the order of a playlist. Must have feature

iOS 6
-This app was cleary built for 6. From the keyboard to the delete button.

Feeling Lucky Radio
-Google has already mentioned this will be added in updates.
I know there is already a thread on the release on the news section but since its dying down and a lot of that thread is fanboy wars about itunes match vs google music and blah blah. Please mods dont move. Its the original thread.

How are people liking the app? Its pretty great but still needs improvements. So far here are my issues

-Download offline. This can be done via playlist or album. What I would like to see is a download all songs for artist option. In the web app they have all your songs of an artist grouped together. I would like to see this on the app. Also in the android there was an option to just see music on this device. Needs to come to ios verson

-Delete playlist/edit
I don't see ability to delete or change the order of a playlist. Must have feature

iOS 6
-This app was cleary built for 6. From the keyboard to the delete button.

Feeling Lucky Radio
-Google has already mentioned this will be added in updates.

I can't seem to get the download to work at all. I click the arrow, it changes colour and then... Nothing! If I press back and then go back into the album it's like it hasn't been clicked.

I have deleted and re-installed, logged out and back in etc but still no joy.

Anyone else having this issue?
I can't seem to get the download to work at all. I click the arrow, it changes colour and then... Nothing! If I press back and then go back into the album it's like it hasn't been clicked.

I have deleted and re-installed, logged out and back in etc but still no joy.

Anyone else having this issue?

The problem with downloading from Google Music seems to be related to specific WiFi networks. For me it does not work on most networks I have tried, but it always works on 3G and a couple of public WiFi networks.
I can't seem to get the download to work at all. I click the arrow, it changes colour and then... Nothing! If I press back and then go back into the album it's like it hasn't been clicked.

I have deleted and re-installed, logged out and back in etc but still no joy.

Anyone else having this issue?

It works for me but there does seem to be issues with it. The icon itself is confusing. White means not on device and orange means it is.

Anyone else having issues with the thumbs up and thumbs down buttons not remembering? I have saved these on the web and they dont show up on the app.

Hopefully we get bug fixes soon for the app.
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