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macrumors 603
Original poster
Sep 3, 2003
North Carolina
I'm sure everyone and his brother already discovered this, but I just figured it out. Did you know that in Safari, you can do a Google search in a new tab just by pressing Command-Enter? Right on, Apple!
yes..actually you open a new tab by cmd+enter. So either you do a google search or write in main window..
Also you can middle click (if you have a 3 button mouse) on any bookmark or any link on any webpage to open that in a new tab... :) i really find that very helpful..being as lazy as i am
This doesn't work for me. I hold down command (apple), and hit enter, and all I get is an 'error' alert sound. I have tabs enabled and I use them so I know they work; what's wrong?
Originally posted by sandman42
This doesn't work for me. I hold down command (apple), and hit enter, and all I get is an 'error' alert sound. I have tabs enabled and I use them so I know they work; what's wrong?

cmd+enter only works if you have something typed in the google search field. cmd+t will open a new blank tab
Originally posted by Thom_Edwards
cmd+enter only works if you have something typed in the google search field. cmd+t will open a new blank tab would work even if you type in the main address bar
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