From various rumblings in the industry, including Apple projections in their filings, the expectation for this year is: INCREASE in RAM prices, holding steady for hard drive prices and DECREASE in LCD prices... YMMV.
Of course, what will actually happen is hard to say, there are so many factors. In addition to the usual supply/demand factors, there is one other which is keeping economists up at night. That's the exchange rate for the dollar. As a lot of hardware is manufactured abroad, this is particularly sensitive factor. And the news can only be bad. The U.S. is running unbelievable budget and account deficits. So far, foreigners (banks, government institutions, investors etc.) have been willing to finance our deficits. But as the deficits keep exploding on every front (hey, maybe shrub will invade Iran next!), they may get cold feet. When that happens, the dollar will plunge against other currencies, and prices for imported goods will escalate drastically. You can have enormous price growth within a very short period of time. Will it happen - yes, absolutely, eventually it HAS to happen... our deficits are unsustainable. The question is not IF but WHEN. And without a crystal ball nobody can tell WHEN. Something to keep in mind, as we go about planning our hardware purchases. YMMV.