I use my iPad to take notes in class. I can sit moderately far away from my professor and record the notes, I can type VERY comfortably and on those days I don't feel like paying attention (more and more with classes ending...) I play fieldrunners, rdp to my laptop and play WoW or watch netflix/youtube.
I have had a netbook and hated it. The keyboard was stupid cramped and the webcam, although there, was so low resolution people actually did NOT want to chat. Flash ended up just bogging my CPU down and windows 7 home premium made the netbook run like a kid in the special olympics doing hurdles. I have yet to see a "flash plugin required" on my ventures, hell I even found porn that works (ipad.bangyoulater.com).
The iPad is amazing, I'm just waiting for an external 3g attachment of sorts, or someway to utilize a 3g network like
this. I have yet to have wi-fi issues, so no fix there... and for the LOVE of God, 4.0 needs to come just a LITTLE faster.
Everyone out there, enjoy and love your iPad. Mine is coming on my 2nd tour in the next several months. well, hopefully...