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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 4, 2006
jus got a new am switchin from a pc to a mac...have been playing around a bit trying to figure out how mac's work...i downloaded both yahoo and msn messengers...mac versions...however they never connect to the internet...even skype..i use a wireless connection at university and a vpn client...i think it mite have somethings to do wit proxies...but i cant figure it out in my if anyone could help me out wit this would be great...
also wat r the esssential tasks i should do to keep my macbook in great shape...thanks in advance
I would recommend you get Adium for instant messaging, as it can let you connect to both those services at the same time, and looks much slicker. You can get it at

As far as upkeep goes, the Mac will already defrag itself and run other maintenance tasks overnight if you leave it on, so all I would recommend doing is opening up Disk Utility every now and again and repairing permissions.
livingfortoday said:
I would recommend you get Adium for instant messaging, as it can let you connect to both those services at the same time, and looks much slicker. You can get it at

As far as upkeep goes, the Mac will already defrag itself and run other maintenance tasks overnight if you leave it on, so all I would recommend doing is opening up Disk Utility every now and again and repairing permissions.

thanks i downloaded adium now but even that doesnt connect...any idea how the proxy stuff works?
Usually VPNs prevent you from using any un-approved software (like IMs). Proxy information, if needed, can be entered in the Network Preference Pane, and if necessary in the Preferences for each applications, located under the Application (Name) Menu.

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