It looks red against the white background. Anything I can do about this? I tried YouTube fullscreen unstick videos, but it doesn't extend to where the pixel is located (about one inch from top left corner).
Thanks for that link flopticalcube - that link will come in useful no doubt.
I've always "massaged" the areas of a stuck pixel and I get about 99% fix rate.
Shoot, weird that this morning I had a stuck green one on my VAIO and massaged it right out of there. Press on the screen and move your finger around to see if it'll go away.
i really see no reason to exchange it over one pixel due to its location. it's very far off into the left corner where (in firefox) the forward arrow is, and i don't usually look there.
as for massaging - not really interested in doing it. otherwise the screen is awesome.
I'd have to disagree,in this country we seem happy to put up and shut up. The OP has just brought this brand new and as such it's totally reasonable to expect the machine to be 100%. I would be exchanging it. Just my two pennies!
He is the OP.I'd have to disagree,in this country we seem happy to put up and shut up. The OP has just brought this brand new and as such it's totally reasonable to expect the machine to be 100%. I would be exchanging it. Just my two pennies!
He is the OP.
send it back man.. apple needs to do something about this issue.. way toooo many people are getting these messed up screens.. for the price.. they should be waaaay above the competition... i know they don't make the screens but they should buy them from a company who doesn't make bad quality monitors.
Is not like they lose money.. they have insurance for these things.. why should you be stuck with a product that you're not happy with?
if you want to try that screen thou you can go to prefrences and HIDE the dock and then you'll be able to move the window lower..
for what i hear it's an overnight process thou... not just a minute process..
I got mine exchanged and now i got a perfect screen..
I love apple but is beyond me why so many people get dead/stuck pixels.. i've had 3 dells none of their monitors have had one bad pixel even after 5 - 8 years of use.. why is it ok for apple to send bad monitors out of the box...
if they give you that crap that you have to have more than 5 pixels then tell them you want your money back.. they might even give you a some money back for the inconvenience and overnight you a new one..
I got mine changed two times and they offered nothing, not even a 10 discount from iWork or something. And delivery was awful, slow as a snail. They built it up faster than usually (~2 days) but it took over a week to come and that was way too long.
Congrats on the computer; if you're not satisfied with the dead/stuck pixel, get it replaced; you may forget it, but one day someone will mention something and you'll see it all over again.
Congrats on the computer; if you're not satisfied with the dead/stuck pixel, get it replaced; you may forget it, but one day someone will mention something and you'll see it all over again.