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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 3, 2005

I've got my Macbook but I have not turned it on yet. Should I charge it first? Or would turning it on and using it unplugged/plugged not affect the battery life?


P.S. It's odd how the iPod Video and Printer have not arrived yet... I was told that in Europe Apple waits for all products before shipping, so the iPod and Printer waited in the UK for the macbook, and now only the macbook is here. Odd.
Step 1 of the Apple instructions says to plug in the machine. I don't think it's a big deal, but I always run my portable plugged in for the initial setup. You don't need to fully charge it up before turning it on though...just calibrate the battery soon and regularly thereafter. That's really all you need to do in order to keep your battery healthy and make sure you're getting accurate data from it.
When we got our Powerbook, I let it charge first; only took an hour. But I dont think it makes much difference really.
Actually the Macbook instructions say nothing about calibrating the battery - but my March 2003 powerbook did. So I'm thinking that calibrating the battery isn't needed anymore.
7on said:
Actually the Macbook instructions say nothing about calibrating the battery - but my March 2003 powerbook did. So I'm thinking that calibrating the battery isn't needed anymore.

Apple's support site recommends it for MacBooks. And the MacBook instructions address it starting on page 23.
Ubuntu said:

I've got my Macbook but I have not turned it on yet. Should I charge it first? Or would turning it on and using it unplugged/plugged not affect the battery life?


P.S. It's odd how the iPod Video and Printer have not arrived yet... I was told that in Europe Apple waits for all products before shipping, so the iPod and Printer waited in the UK for the macbook, and now only the macbook is here. Odd.

when i ordered my iMac from apple i got the computer before i got the printer and the spaeakers they arrived a day or 2 later
viccles said:
I've been wondering if I should calibrate my MBP battery I got the other day? :confused:

Absolutely, and then every month or so thereafter. It's good to exercise it...
You're lucky I was supposed to get my Macbook today. But I went to the store for 15 mins and I missed the FedEx man. :(

Now I have to wait until tomorrow :mad:
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