I've got my Macbook but I have not turned it on yet. Should I charge it first? Or would turning it on and using it unplugged/plugged not affect the battery life?
P.S. It's odd how the iPod Video and Printer have not arrived yet... I was told that in Europe Apple waits for all products before shipping, so the iPod and Printer waited in the UK for the macbook, and now only the macbook is here. Odd.
I've got my Macbook but I have not turned it on yet. Should I charge it first? Or would turning it on and using it unplugged/plugged not affect the battery life?
P.S. It's odd how the iPod Video and Printer have not arrived yet... I was told that in Europe Apple waits for all products before shipping, so the iPod and Printer waited in the UK for the macbook, and now only the macbook is here. Odd.