I tried "Waze" out last night, using my usual route home. It was cute, but I have a few of "issues" with it:
1) Route Home was mostly right - it didn't offer me the chance to use side streets & avoid making a left turn (during rush hour traffic) off a major thoroughfare, though.
2) I'm not always able to look directly at the GPS, so the voice directions are kinda nice. That said "bear left" and "bear right" do NOT tell me if I need to get on or off the freeway. If I didn't already know where I was going, I would have completely missed the entrances & exits I needed to take.
3) "In 1/2 mile...." Thanks for the warning, but if I'm stuck in the far lane from where I need to exit, 1/2 mile may not be enough time to get over, depending on traffic.
4) Not once did it mention street names. This ties into point #2.
Don't get me wrong, it's not bad for a *free* app, but I'm not sure I'd rely on it exclusively.