Please note that
Wi-Fi is NOT used in determining the position!

To download data yes but never to get a position fix
Plus most navigation applications (Tomtom, Navigon, etc) don't use at all the cell triangulation to determine your position (and at the moment they don't even use the 3GS compass).
They only use on the internal GPS receiver. The one included in the 3G(S) is an assisted one.
Assisted GPS means that your GPS receiver can use a set of data that direct it on the satellites position at that particular time. This increases the speed of the fix. These data need to be periodically updated, downloading them via a server.
Bear in mind that you do need a clear view of the sky to get a fast satellite fix. And that without any form of connection (GPRS, Wi-Fi) your assisted gps data may not be up-to-date.
In some circumstances you may need a long time to get a fix, especially the first one.
Google Maps instead uses (if the GPS is not available) the network cells triangulation to get the position, but this needs network coverage and also its accuracy depends on where you are. In an area with few antennas you could be off quite a lot!
Besides Maps needs to download the map on request (so a network coverage or WiFi.. ).