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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 19, 2008
I have been having a problem with my iPhone 3G S and Google Maps GPS. Basically, when I have my wifi enabled and I'm at home, the GPS initially locates me as being at the exact location of my old house (a few miles away). Several seconds later, the GPS finds me at my new house. I moved to the new house at the beginning of this year. Again while at my new house, the GPS finds me quickly when I turn off wifi (i.e., it doesn't first find my old house). So, it appears that the GPS is using wifi triangulation to find me while I'm using wifi, but it has saved my old house location. I am using the same wifi router as at my old house, but it has been reset since I moved. How do I clear the saved location of my old house, if at all possible? Any suggestions/ideas? Thanks...
The best think i can think of is change the ssid. The skyhook wireless thing still thinks the wifi is at your old house, which makes it go to your old house
I just changed the ssid like you suggested, reconnected and restarted my iPhone, and it seems to work fine. Thanks for the suggestion!
Well, I have run into the same problem again. It is very inconsistent and seems to happen when I have not used GPS for a while (basically, whenever it "forgets" my location). Any other suggestion? Is it possible to update the skyhook data you mentioned?
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