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Apparently iPhone 8 and newer already have the hardware, hopefully Apple will push through a software update and enable it to improve GPS accuracy.

iPhone 7, apparently, has the same GPS module as 8, so I wonder why it was not mentioned in the article? Otherwise, yes, it would be a welcome addition.

Apparently iPhone 8 and newer already have the hardware, hopefully Apple will push through a software update and enable it to improve GPS accuracy.
Sad to offer that your last word - "accuracy" - isn't in that memo. What's generally used here in the US is generally accurate to around 15-20 feet, our "L1" frequencies - Galileo's E1 is on-par with that accuracy in real practice. Apple's opting to use Skywork's SKY5941 GPS low-noise amplifier left me feeling a bit miffed as AFAIK Skyworks LNAs in smartphones only receive L1/E1 frequencies and not the really accurate L5/E5 frequencies that lead to far more accurate positioning. Granted, L5 isn't widely available here in the US on the consumer level but as an owner of a couple of commercial units that receive L5 frequencies it beats the pants off L1 products. Xiomi installed one of Broadcom's new LNA that taps into L5/E5 but it's not enabled (yet?) but it's planned for L5/E5 unlike probably Apple. Skyworks isn't publishing details on the LNA that's in the XR/XS but every one of their LNAs I've read about operate in the 1559-1606 frequency range (L1/E1).

I read the memo and got grumpy when I read the "improved availability, reliability, and resiliency" bit and didn't see the word "accuracy" in that line. :(
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