So i have installed the GBA simulator to my phone and i have Advance wars working but the saves dont work it starts from the begining (the tutorial even if i have saed the last time) does any one know if savin works or how to fix it?
Are you opening the games or the saved files? i open from saved games menu and works every time. if you dont have saved files, maybe the roms do not have write permission. you can check that with mobilefinder. The saved files are .sav, and they are stored in your ROMs/GBA folder with the roms.
hey i am having the same exact problem with the same ipod touch 1.1.4 i have the games working & wen i click save nothing happens!?
i tried manually putting a .sav file in the folder with the roms on my ipod but wen the game loads it says "save file deleted"
does anyone have any idea how to fix this & if so please help