I want to pursue a career in graphic design... I love to make art on the computer
I don't mean this in a rude way at all, but that statement concerns me. Being a designer is FAR MORE work than "making art" -- you need to understand type and color theory, visual communication, working with teams, clients, etc etc. Before you even touch a computer you need to know what the client is looking for, have a plan in place, then the computer is just a means to get it done. In a 9-10 hr day you may only use the computer for an hour or 2. You need to have passion about design and helping others.
It is scaring me a little though reading about how hard it is to get a job in graphic design and how little you get paid...
This is good. You won't be disappointed then. Good designers starting out are often paid teachers wages and work longer hours (some evenings, Saturdays, holidays, etc). More than likely you'll need to work as a freelancer (how a studio often "tries out" a designer) and the work is usually unsteady for several years.
My dream job would be designing websites and album covers for bands, but I dont think that will happen anytime soon.
again, concerned here... a) bands never have money to pay a designer so many are done for the sake of doing it and b) web design is becoming a specialized field which is also very hard to get into. economy wise, right not the market is not good. design is VERY effected by the economy. it seems to be one of the first areas companies cut funds.
did i sugar coat that too much?
bottom line -- if you want to be a designer, make sure you WANT to be a designer. it is NOT an easy field for most. its like wanting to become an actor -- seems cool and the market is flooded. BUT if you can hang in there (maybe have a back up plan), have the skills needed and get the right break, it can be a great field.
good luck -- i do mean that!