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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 19, 2018
dallas texas
suggestions on a GPU upgrade to run WIn 10 games on Parallels. thx

MP 5,1 2012 3.2G quad xeon, ati 5870 SSD 2560 x 1440 monitor
no but I'm on High Sierra and can't get bootcamp installed with Win &.

I see, it you already has bootcamp installed. And only try to game via Parallel. Then IMO, the real question which GPU for gaming in Bootcamp Windows 10.

In this case, if you don't mind to deal with the Nvidia driver in High Sierra, GTX1080 is a very good card.

I am running a GTX 1080Ti now.

It has very good gaming result. For 1080P, depends on the game and your setup, that can be way overkill.
TR 1080P ultimate.JPG

Even in VR, this card can let the game run at max setting.
VR details.JPG

But because I am running a 3840x1080 144Hz monitor. Therefore, I can fully utilise this card.
Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition Super-Resolution 2018.03.01 - Raw-1.jpg
Ultrawide gaming_filtered.jpg

For 1440P (assume 60Hz monitor), GTX1080 should be a more sensible choice. And it's so much easier on the power management as well. The 1080Ti is technically outside the cMP's limit.

On the other hand, if you don't need extreme gaming performance, but prefer to have a card that can game and able to provide boot screen. Then the R9 280X is a very good choice. You can buy a used one and flash it by yourself. On Nvidia side, GTX680 4GB is the best card that can easily be flashed by the user.
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