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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 3, 2006
I was interested in upgrading to a Mac Pro I would go with the 2.7 based on price, but I'm unimpressed with performance for Photoshop. I currently have a Dual 2.5 G5 with the stock 128MB ATI 9600 Graphics card. Has anyone upgrade their card to say a X800 and seen a decent performance boost? If I upgrade my card I'd wait on buying a Mac Pro until the next revision...
Upgrading the graphics card wouldn't have much of an effect on Photoshop's performance, I'm afraid.

You'd probably get better performance by spending the money on RAM and/or a fast scratch disk like a Western Digital Raptor.

Personally, I don't think the leap from a dual 2.5 to a new Intel Pro Mac would be worth it at this stage... these same machines are the ones we use at work and I've found them to be very capable if given enough RAM and dedicated scratch disks.
The thing I like the best about the Mac Pro is the absense of liquid cooling.
they run much cooler and quieted than any of the PPC couterparts.

I love my G5, but given a choice NOW, I'd jump on the 2.66 GHz Mac Pro
with the ATI X1900 card.
Blue Velvet said:
You'd probably get better performance by spending the money on RAM and/or a fast scratch disk like a Western Digital Raptor.

I currently have 6GB of memory and I use a 400GB internal RAID to boot from 2 7200 WD4000K. I'm sure I could get a bit more speed out of 10,000 RPM drives but not much over what I have.... My main issue is I work with 400MB - 600MB files for print, there does seam to be a lag when the screen redraws.... I don't use dedicated scratch disks would that really make a big difference...?
Apple2Mac said:
My main issue is I work with 400MB - 600MB files for print, there does seam to be a lag when the screen redraws....

I'm a print designer as well so know where you're coming from.

Have you tried allocating more RAM to Photoshop and are you working with CS1 or 2? CS1 had an optional plug-in for redraws... called the 'Adjusted Refresh plug-in'.

You might find either of these two articles worth reading before you spend any money.
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