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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 24, 2006
New York
Hi, I'm trying to make my graphing calculator connect to the computer but it's not working. So I contacted Texas Instruments, and they gave me instructions, but the dumbass support agent doesn't understand the word "MAC" and gave me PC directions. So is there some sort of device or hardware manager on the mac. That's what the lady wanted me to check to see if the calculator's drivers are properly installed. Thanks.
The extent of my calculator to computer knowledge are remnants dating back to O.S. 9 and a TI-85 (Before then I though Derive running on my HP-95 was amazing). TIs EDU site.

TI applications list. There is a link for a PPC connection application at the bottom.

You really should post the calculator, the kind of connection (are you using a USB to serial), and what you have tried so far.

TI re their USB cable said:
LINK The TI Connectivity Cable USB for Windows®/Mac® does not work with any versions of TI-GRAPH LINK software, so please use TI Connect software.
Do you have the TI Connect Software?

TI re Mac and USB said:
TI Connect for Macintosh OS® 9 and TI Connect for Macintosh OS® X 10.x require different TI-Connect cables:
What cable are you using? LINK.

At worst this is a bump. [EDIT, Found This On Google]
Sorry, I forgot about all the device type and stuff.

I have a TI-83 Plus. You must have TI Connect X, so yes I have it. I've even reinstalled it. The system profiler says the calculator is plugged in. (Using the TI-Graph Link). But when I use TI's software it says "A device could not be IDed, please unplug and replug your USB cable", which I do, and still nothing.
For giggles turn off OSXs firewall, just for giggles. I can't see why a port could be blocked, but it might help. It dosn't make sense, and if it dosn't help turn the OS FW back on.

If the system profiler is noting the device, then the USB portion is good. I bet that touchy little connector at the end or the port on you calculator is having problems. Can you try the calculator connection on a PC or another computer? Can you grab somebody else's calc for a day and try it? Even taking your laptop (if you have one) to a store that has a working demo calc might help you.

What I would do is this check out their support section.

Then if that doesn’t help, fill out a trouble ticket . I think this is the same e-mail form.

I wish I could be of more help.
Well, I've already done the trouble ticket, and the lady hasn't helped so far, but I'll try it on my dusty Windows computer.
possible probelm

I just bought a TI-83 + SE today (my old TI-83 +'s archive is broken...), and was hoping I could save my basic programs on my computer etc, using the connect cable the SE comes with. I am having the same problem with the device not being IDed, and after I read your post and thought for a while, I realized it may have something to do with the USB power. Are you on a powerbook? I am. Earlier this year, I had a problem with a USB hub and audio controller, and it turned out that powerbooks (unlike iBooks, oddly enough) don't have the same power output in USB or something (i really dont' know what i'm talking about... one of my apple repair friends told me this). I'm thinking this is the same problem, so I'll plug in a hub with a power supply and see if it fixes it. I'll post what happens.

-Mark H.
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