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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 6, 2004
I saw this Seagate/ 250GB / 7200 / 8MB / ATA-100 / EIDE / OEM / Hard Drive at Tiger Direct. That's about 1/2 price!

I just ordered a 300 GB Seagate external from them at a pretty good deal.

I thought I would post just in case anyone was interested :)
I hate rebates. Why do they make them? Because most people never send them in for certain reasons or it they make that money. It's bee ess.
iQuit said:
I hate rebates. Why do they make them? Because most people never send them in for certain reasons or it they make that money. It's bee ess.

I hate rebates too but I faithfully mail mine in. I ordered a compact flash card from macmall once and sent in my rebate and never got the rebate. I'm still pissed about it.
iQuit said:
I hate rebates. Why do they make them? Because most people never send them in for certain reasons or it they make that money. It's bee ess.

So it's not worth it to you to fill out a card and mail it in for $60?
my take on rebates?

yeah, it's a pain in the butt to make sure they all get mailed in, but if it means I save 60 dollars on something because the company is banking on lazy people to buy the product, I'm all about saving that 60 bucks.
Rebates are a kind of scam. I won't buy anything that has a rebate...just my opinion, but if they're going to offer a discount they can do it without making me jump through hoops for it.
Lord Blackadder said:
Rebates are a kind of scam. I won't buy anything that has a rebate...just my opinion, but if they're going to offer a discount they can do it without making me jump through hoops for it.

Not really a scam but the companies are just looking for suckers. If you get
your rebate money sometimes its a great deal.
TigerDirect are notoriously bad for honoring rebates.

A better deal, IMO, can be had at on the same HDD


It's $119.99 - $50 mail-in rebate = $69.99.

Free shipping, less money up front, a retail kit, and the rebate is a Seagate rebate.

Plus, you might also be able to get the additional $10 mail-in rebate that TigerDirect's offering. So, maybe $59.99 in the end.
sw1tcher said:
TigerDirect are notoriously bad for honoring rebates.

awww, man, I need to learn to research better :mad: I hope my rebate gets honored.
Rebates aren't my friend either. Apple has always been good with them, as have HP InfoLab (for those who sell HP products), but Office Depot has been the hell hole for me. I worked for the place and couldn't even get them to give me a rebate. I sent in three seperate rebates and "miraculously" none of them showed up at the rebate center ;) .
bigandy said:
one would assume, from the first post, which says ATA100 - EIDE, that no, they're not SATA.

:rolleyes: ;)

For the uniformed out there (which, quite possibly, is just me), what is the practical difference between ATA100 drives and SATA drives?
Chiloé said:
For the uniformed out there (which, quite possibly, is just me), what is the practical difference between ATA100 drives and SATA drives?

the connection. SATA is faster. and i'm pretty sure from what i've read, powermacs use SATA. not sure about other macs. therefore, unless you have some kind of adapter, you have to have a SATA to put into a powermac. (others can confirm this)
FWIW, last month I bought the 300GB Seagate (see my sig) from TigerDirect for $99 AR, and I got an email that they received the rebate and it has been approved (it was for $40). It was a Seagate rebate though. I haven't quite received it yet... I guess it's in the mail :) ... we'll see. TigerDirect has a tricky reputation w/ rebates... there are quite a few who claim to have been ripped off, but it's not uniform... many satisfied customers too. If I needed the drive, I'd go for this deal, personally. YMMV.
Thanks mjmac for posting about this deal! I ordered one yesterday.
I have the (2) rebate forms printed out to send in when the Hard Drive arrives.
I'm not too worried about it; I have had good luck with mail-in rebates so far...

Also, for anyone looking for a smaller drive, Comp USA has the 160 GB Seagate
for $39.95 after rebates (through 2/18). I bought one last time and had to send in
3 rebate forms ($40 - Seagate, $10 - Seagate. $30 - Comp USA).
I didn't mind because I saved $80.00––well worth my time!
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