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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 7, 2009
iMac 24 inch 3.06GHz, 4GB, 500GB - $1750 brandnew

the site claims that they are an online retailer who oders is large bulks and they are not a scam they just keep costs down so they can give you the best price do you guys recomend ordering from this site im a lil nervous heres the link let me know
how are you so sure ? i mean theres no way to prove its a scam
Hmm, emerycs has had two posts, both in this thread. First post was a link to "an amazing deal". I may be wrong and I hope I am, but this is a classic sign of a spammer. (edit, three posts now)
i am not a spammer man im looking to purchase my first imac and i want a 24 inch screen and im looking to save as much as i can so i figured what better way to find out if its a scam then to ask a fourm about the mac products seemed logical sry for any inconvenice bro
Hmm, emerycs has had two posts, both in this thread. First post was a link to "an amazing deal". I may be wrong and I hope I am, but this is a classic sign of a spammer. (edit, three posts now)

No, he's just a newbie who doesn't know how to find legitimate sites. Happens all the time.

OP, buy only from Apple, MacMall, Amazon, and the rest of the sites in that list that themoonisdown09 posted.
thanks for the help guys yes i am a newb haha im good wit cars not comp's but im finally go go apple after getting my first apple product the 32 gig ipod touch im blown away with there products i was in the apple store drewling at the new imacs ps should i wait for there to be a refresh and my next question is can i apply my brothers student discount on any of the sites or only at apple
I'm always happy to be wrong in these circumstances (it wasn't the initial post that rang alarm bells, but the next one that seemingly defended the site linked ... but I see how I may have misinterpreted that.)

When it comes to Macs, if the prices seems too good to be true, it is. Your best chance for a deal is on Apple's refurb site - most people who've bought one there (myself included) are happy with what they got.

Amazon also has been known to offer rebates. MacMall often has bundles and rebates.

But no one legitimate will be able to offer a new 3.06GHz iMac at $450 off Apple's retail price.
+1. Apple's refurbished line is almost always as "good" as prices will get.
idk people always say beware of sites hell i got a site i get my 7 jeans and tru religon jeans for 80 bucks from and ive never had a problem with them
idk people always say beware of sites hell i got a site i get my 7 jeans and tru religon jeans for 80 bucks from and ive never had a problem with them

You pay $80 for jeans?

Wait, hang on. You pay $80 for clothing? Name brand even? The only things for which I have ever spent more than $25 per article are outerwear and shoes. I own nothing but "name brands". Beautiful Calvin Klein peacoat: $56.

Also, to reiterate the previous poster... yeah.

If the online retailer isn't an Authorized Reseller (they'll have an Apple logo and "Authorized Reseller" somewhere prominent on the page), they're scamming you. Simple as that.
You pay $80 for jeans?

Wait, hang on. You pay $80 for clothing? Name brand even? The only things for which I have ever spent more than $25 per article are outerwear and shoes. I own nothing but "name brands". Beautiful Calvin Klein peacoat: $56.

You ostensibly own a Mac, the poster child for overpriced fashion, and you dump on a guy for $80 jeans? I'm not a brand whore, but some things that cost more are, in fact, better. I don't know about 7th humanity heaven or whatever, I like my Express jeans, but there is in fact clothing that costs more than $60 that's worth the price.

Sounds like the fedex truck had a package fall off the back.

I didn't ask questions. It had Tiger loaded on it though, which was weird.
I have to say that a site called globalretailweb makes me wary of even clicking on it.
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