I thought it was a good read and a fairly balanced personal take on it. I think Apple would do well to make more of an effort to reach out to Windows users, too. She was spot on with that.
>Wanting IE or Firefox??? Why? What does she think those will do that safari or any of the other alternative browsers available for the iPad can't do?
That I agree with and it's a typical attitude of someone who has only used Windows but it's something Apple should have ready answers for.
idk, tabbed browsing?
plugin support?
faster browsing response times?
better security?
i dont know of any alternative browsers that support the iPad with all these features in one browser.
honestly you provided a typical attitude of someone who has only used a Mac...
Safari on OSX offers all that. The iOS Safari is dumbed down for resource sipping (just like any alternative would dumb down their software for iOS).