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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 9, 2007
Northern VA, USA
We have a 42" LG LCD TV model 42LC7D, and we notice we get this during Apple commercials all the time when there is quick transitions from their bright white portion of their commercials. We also see it during other bright color transitions that take place quickly on cable broadcasts. I never see this happen on my AppleTV or DVD which are connected to the TV via HDMI. The cable box has been swapped out multiple times so it's not the box. The cable box is connected to a Denon AVR-1908 with a high end component video cable, with a straightwire ghost component video cable from the Denon to the TV. I know it's not the cables since I've used them before on other TVs I've owned and also all connections are tight and secure.

Any ideas would be great since I may call out a tech next before the extended warranty runs out. Thanks
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