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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 25, 2015
Beaumont Texas
Every so often a grey bar with rounded edges and showing 0:00 to the right covers the input area in Messages. What is this? How do I make it go away? So far only turning the phone off and on again gets rid of it. This is on an iPhone 6 Plus. Screen capture attached.
I get this too...must be ios9 bug as this is when it started. I need to do a restart to fix
happening with my iPhone 6 too. Just uploaded iOS 9 today but this happened last week as well prior to uploading the new operating system. ...Turning off phone is annoying. How do you close the app?
Hasn't happened yet on my 6s but did happen to me on my 6. I think it's just a glitch in iOS 9. Closing the app using the multitasking switcher and then opening it again seems to correct the issue.
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