Well, it seemed as though it was time to sell the ol' 12" Powerbook SD/1.25GB. The best of the best for the 12" powerbooks. So I put it up on ebay Ebay Link and fortunately for my it ended within HOURS of the Macbook release and I got a VERY good price for it ($1252 Shipped). I had this 12" PB from the day it was release back in Feb 05 until the final day of it's existence on the apple website, truly perfect and due mostly to Macrumors.com. I know that if I were the person who bought it, I'd be pretty peeved as well. Well, I got payment almost immediately and shipped it off the next day as soon as I heard the Macbook news. Hours later i got an ebay message saying she wanted a refund because of some credit card balance issues, which I took as a ploy to get a refund from me. I took it straight to the point and asked her if it was about the new Macbook, and she responded by saying again that her credit card was over the balance.
I then told her that I'd refund the 1st payment if I received a 2nd payment within the next week. After that I received NO correspondence and was forced to keep the original payment. Over 2.5 weeks later (tonight) i receive an email from Paypal saying that the bidder filed a "Chargeback" on the payment and now I have a $-12xx amount on my paypal account!
I just now filed my formal writing with paypal and it's in the dispute overview phase. It was also confirmed as delivered and has >$1000 insurance and was shipped in the original box inside of another box so there is no chance at damage. I'm just really peeved that this chick is doing this to me. I can no longer use my paypal and who knows if I'll have to fork out the $1200 bucks before this is resolved...UGH
Then again, if it all works out it will still be the most PERFECT apple laptop sale in history, thanks to MR!!
I then told her that I'd refund the 1st payment if I received a 2nd payment within the next week. After that I received NO correspondence and was forced to keep the original payment. Over 2.5 weeks later (tonight) i receive an email from Paypal saying that the bidder filed a "Chargeback" on the payment and now I have a $-12xx amount on my paypal account!
Then again, if it all works out it will still be the most PERFECT apple laptop sale in history, thanks to MR!!