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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 8, 2008
I love my iPad. I've just started blogging because of it, it's such a great device for really interacting with the internet and media.

However, I think the interface for typing is a bit silly. There's no cursor on the virtual keyboard (which is important for quickly going back and editing a mistake you've made... the hold and drag method is so cumbersome it hurts) and a way of scrolling through large textboxes.

It's near impossible to edit a long post in wordpress, for example, because its very hard to scroll up and down through the text input on the form. I don't think it's really possible at all, actually.

Any suggestions/further comments?
If I know I'm going to type something lengthy to post, I have two options:

Compose and edit in something like Notes, where it's easier to maneuver.

Use the Apple Wireless keyboard, which gives me back arrow keys and my cut/copy/paste keyboard functions.

Often, I'll do both. It's less frustrating that way, and once I stopped being frustrated with the setup, I started writing more on the iPad. Now I prefer it over my laptop for most writing tasks.
I wouldn't use an iPad to type much more than a short email.

If I'm even gonna write a half long email I walk over to my iMac.
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