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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 19, 2009
Groundwire, the first full featured mobile SIP client for the iPhone!

Acrobits' latest addition to the App Store is the first mobile SIP client capable of replacing your desktop phone. Jam packed with all the features you’ve come to expect from SIP devices and desktop softphones, you may find yourself using it more often than your office and GSM lines combined. Supporting both the new iOS4 multitasking functionality of Apple mobile devices and the original Acrobits Softphone’s reliable Push Notification Service, you’ll be able to customize Groundwire to fit your precise needs.

  • Multitasking background support for iOS4
  • Transfer and attended transfer
  • Push Notifications, a reliable way to receive calls when the Softphone is closed
  • Multi line
  • Call waiting
  • Call Grouping
  • Conference calling
  • Customizable ringtones, choose from our selection or pick something from your media library
  • shake gesture support, the most convenient way to switch between active calls without even looking
  • HD Wideband audio through G.722
  • excellent sound quality, includes the G.711, GSM and iLBC audio codecs. Make an in app purchase to add G.729 Annex A for great quality over 3G networks
  • Completely redesigned audio optimized for the best VoIP experience on the iPhone
  • Number rewriting, enabling you to utilize your existing contacts without having to create new entries to satisfy the dialing requirements of your PBX or SIP provider
  • Address Book Matching, make sure incoming calls match the correct contact
  • TLS support for encrypted SIP
  • Bluetooth support for iPhones with OS 3.1 and higher (please note that the iPad and iPod Touch do not support Bluetooth Hands Free)
  • audio codec manipulation, enabling you to prioritize the codecs used and disable ones you don’t want to use
  • call recorder and player, seamlessly integrated into the call history
  • comfortable and super-smooth user interface, fine-tuned specially for the iPhone
  • full localization (currently English, Chinese, Danish, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portueguese, Swedish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Czech and Slovak)
  • very easy configuration
  • simultaneous registration of multiple SIP accounts, have multiple accounts registered to receive incoming calls and switch the account used for outgoing calls without leaving the keypad
  • iPhone contacts integration. Easy to call anyone in your contacts via SIP
  • Contacts search function, search your contacts by name or number
  • add new contacts directly from the softphone
  • Quickdial, your 12 favorite contacts are one touch away
  • ability to generate DTMF tones while in call, to control various PBX features or automated systems (use audio, rfc 2833 or SIP INFO)
  • speakerphone support
  • detailed call history, with intelligent call grouping for an easy overview
  • support for sip:username URLs in phonebook
  • configurable RTP port range
  • SIP Proxy support, VPN support
  • STUN server support, automatic service discovery using DNS SRV queries
  • quick import of accounts from major VoIP Providers, like Gizmo5, Voipcheap, TerraSIP and others
  • phone number resolution. We present the phone numbers in a convenient format with grouped digits, display the flag and country name and even region/city name for some countries, including USA

Check out the videos below to see this amazing SIP client in action.

Questions, comments, experiences, feature requests, bug reports etc. are welcome in this thread.
Groundwire Sale!!!

To reward customer loyalty, Groundwire will be on sale for Monday August 30th and Tuesday August 31st. This will enable current Acrobits Softphone users to upgrade at a fraction of the cost. Stay tuned for details…
Groundwire Sale, August 30th and 31st!!!

Groundwire is on sale for 75% off, only $2.99!!! For Monday August 30th and Tuesday August 31st only, Groundwire is on sale to enable existing users of Acrobits Softphone to purchase Groundwire at a discounted price. Though anyone can take advantage of the sale, it is targeted at existing users of Acrobits Softphone. So existing users of Acrobits Softphone should purchase Groundwire now to benefit from the additional features. For the same period, you will also be able to purchase the G.729 add on at a 50% discount, only $4.99.
Groundwire 1.1 now available

The latest update to Groundwire is now available on the App Store. This update adds support for the shake gesture to switch between active calls and adds an advanced configurable address matching feature. It also fixes the issue where adding a quickdial entry with a portrait caused Groundwire to crash.
Groundwire sale extended!!!

Due to customer demand, we have extended the Groundwire sale through Wednesday, September 1st. Only one more day to get this great price!
this is a great app and it works wonderfully. have it set up and make calls around the globe with ease
Now supporting GoogleVoice!!!

GoogleVoice is now supported and fully integrated with Acrobits Softphone and Groundwire!!! Dial out with a single tap through contacts, history or Quickdial. No more stumbling between multiple applications or web interfaces when making calls through GoogleVoice.
I need help with Gizmo/GoogleVoice calls on my iPhone with Groundwire 1.1. The Gizmo number is linked to my GoogleVoice account as one of the forwarding numbers. I haven't changed anything from the defaults when adding a Gizmo account, and I don't know anything about codecs to mess with that on my own either.

When I select to call somebody in my Google Voice account online ("Number to call") by using my Gizmo number ("Phone to call with"), Groundwire rings as it should, I pick up and then I hear the ringing of the phone being called. When my friends pick up on their end though, I hear them but they can't hear me at all.

I'm using Groundwire on WiFi only.
I need help to set-up the ringtones. Is there a way to set a ringtone from media for both push not. and foreground?
It seems I only have a few options for pusn not, one being system. What is that option?
I need help to set-up the ringtones. Is there a way to set a ringtone from media for both push not. and foreground?
It seems I only have a few options for pusn not, one being system. What is that option?

Unfortunately, we are not able to acces the media library for push notifications. The iPhone does not allow this. If you choose system, it uses the default sound that the iPhone uses for push notifications.
I need help with Gizmo/GoogleVoice calls on my iPhone with Groundwire 1.1. The Gizmo number is linked to my GoogleVoice account as one of the forwarding numbers. I haven't changed anything from the defaults when adding a Gizmo account, and I don't know anything about codecs to mess with that on my own either.

When I select to call somebody in my Google Voice account online ("Number to call") by using my Gizmo number ("Phone to call with"), Groundwire rings as it should, I pick up and then I hear the ringing of the phone being called. When my friends pick up on their end though, I hear them but they can't hear me at all.

I'm using Groundwire on WiFi only.

Please try this. Tap on settings, then SIP Accounts, then your Gizmo5 account. Tap on advanced setting, then codecs for wifi. Move all of the codecs to the disabled section except g.711 ulaw. Be sure to save the change.
Groundwire 1.2 now available on the APP Store

The latest update to Groundwire is now available on the app store and adds the following features.

  • enterprise GSM functionality (web callback, call-through)
  • high res graphics for iPhone 4
  • call forwarding, with push support
  • new ringtones
  • automatic WiFi/3G handover if network changes during a call (if call re-negotiation is supported by SIP proxy, works well with Asterisk)
  • bug fix: bluetooth support on iPhone 2G now working
  • configurable behavior for situations when the VoIP call is interrupted by GSM call
Groudwire 1.4 now available

The latest update to Groundwire is now available on the app store. It contains several minor bug fixes and stability improvements and adds the ability to use DTMF tones from the home keypad.
Acrobits is two years old!!!

Acrobits turns two this month. To celebrate, you can buy Acrobits Softphone for only $3.99 and Groundwire for only $4.99, 50% off. Purchase one right away, the sale only lasts through Wednesday, November 17th.
re: Groundwire 1.4

Groundwire (version 1.4) is good:
* the keypad interface is nice, looks good, and works good
* many configuration options

Groundwire is not so good:
* the app doesn't automatically start when the iphone/ipod device starts
* it misses roughly 30-60% of inbound calls (in double NAT enviroments)
* there is no option to re-register accounts that have failures (you need to make a change in the settings to force a manual re-register command)
* UPnP to open ports in NAT routers is not supported
* when not using Push notifications and having stun enabled, having keepalives enabled, and keep the app always on, still a lot of calls are missed in NAT enviroments
* it lacks a private push server option (supplying sensitive data to third parties is not an option in many business environments)
* G.729 needs an awkward in app store purchase, combinate groundwire + all codecs in bundle, to save business purchasers time and hassle
* account balance is not shown for most VoIP providers (among them Betamax/Dellmont)
* removing old registration bugs: when changing settings and registrations fail, not all old registrations were removed. (Found this after receiving a maximum of 4 registrations per IP error message = a restriction, each extra registration increases incoming calls with a 10 second delay: 3s = 1 registration, 13s = 2 registrations, 23s = 3 registrations, 33s = 4 registrations)
* no ability to sent the log file to yourself
* no ability to disable DNS SRV lookups
Last edited:
* it misses roughly 30-60% of inbound calls (in double NAT environments)
* when not using Push notifications and having stun enabled, having keepalives enabled, and keep the app always on, still a lot of calls are missed in NAT environments

Please, please, please look into these issues. I'm currently using Groundwire as my office phone solution and these missed calls are killing me.
Please, please, please look into these issues. I'm currently using Groundwire as my office phone solution and these missed calls are killing me.

Sorry for the delay. Can you visit the link below and open a ticket. Please describe the issue in detail (what type of configuration you are using, when the issue occurs, etc.).
Groundwire 1.5 now available!

The latest update to Groundwire is now available on the App Store! The latest update is packed with new features.

  • Encrypted secure calls! We support SRTP/SDES and also the latest ZRTP technology.* SDES is included; ZRTP is free for incoming calls, just purchase the add on to make outbound calls using ZRTP.
  • Improved Google Voice interface! Adding your Google Voice account to Acrobits Softphone is now easier than ever.
  • Call quality indicator, showing the network connection quality in realtime.
  • GSM interruption behavior. Incoming GSM calls have a higher priority on iOS and will interrupt any VoIP calls on the iPhone, but you can now record a message that the other party will hear if your SIP call is interrupted.
  • Support for TURN, the best way to deal with one way audio issues caused by Symmetric NAT (a common issue on 3G networks).

* Must be supported by all parties on the call. Check out our knowledgebase article for more details.
Groundwire 1.6 now available.

The latest update to Groundwire is now available on the App Store.

In the latest update to Groundwire, we've added

-Improved ZRTP support, now works properly with FreeSwitch and is much faster.
-Improved SDES compatibility
-Fixed issue that caused the client to crash for some customers during SSL certificate validation
-Fixed handling of SIP reinvades that change the media address
-Fixed support for groundwire:number URIs (contact urls beginning with groundwire: will automatically open and place the call through Groundwire)
-Many other small improvements and bug fixes.
Groundwire 1.7, now with SMS Support!

The latest update to Groundwire is now available on the App Store. The latest update includes

-messaging via SIP/SIMPLE, this adds SMS support for providers who support SIMPLE protocol for SMS
-balance and SMS support for Betamax providers (voipcheap, actionvoip, etc.)
-SMS support for Pennytel
-fixed clipboard menu issue (paste function)
-improved Global IP detection
-added hacks section for those who need to make unusual tweaks
-tel: URI scheme support
-ports are now entered using host:port notation
Groundwire 1.8.5 is now available on the App Store!

The latest update to Groundwire is now available on the app store. The latest update includes:

  • improved call handling, push notifications and multitasking are more reliable and efficient
  • Acrobits NAT Bridge Add On, for resolving issues with one way audio over 3G and other networks with symmetric NAT
  • updated translations and new translations
  • many other small bug fixes and improvements
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