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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 27, 2013
When so you think San Andreas will hit the App Store. Will Rockstar wait to have it released for the exact anniversary (October) or do you see it being released earlier (March)?

Post your thoughts below :)
Can iPhones even handle the amount of memory needed to run that game? It's huge.
Maximum capacity of a dual-layer DVD is about 8.5GB, the PS2 had 32MB of RAM if I remember rightly. The original iPhone has 128MB RAM so…

San Andreas actually taken up less space on a PS2 disk compared to Vice City due to advances in compression. If Vice city was once 4.4 Gb and is now 1.5 Gb on iOS, San Andreas would be around 2.4Gb after install. Add for the performance part, the iPhone 5, 5S, iPad 4 and future iPad 5 all have enough CPU and GPU power to easily run the game with the higher resolution. I PS2 only performed around 6Gflops. An iPhone 5 28.8, 5S 76.8 and iPad 4 76.8. The iPad 5 is looking to be 150-200+. They can easily run it. iPhone 4-4S not so much.


I thought the same thing but I'd love it to come!

San Andreas actually taken up less space on a PS2 disk compared to Vice City due to advances in compression. If Vice city was once 4.4 Gb and is now 1.5 Gb on iOS, San Andreas would be around 2.4Gb after install. Add for the performance part, the iPhone 5, 5S, iPad 4 and future iPad 5 all have enough CPU and GPU power to easily run the game with the higher resolution. I PS2 only performed around 6Gflops. An iPhone 5 28.8, 5S 76.8 and iPad 4 76.8. The iPad 5 is looking to be 150-200+. They can easily run it. iPhone 4-4S not so much.


Can iPhones even handle the amount of memory needed to run that game? It's huge.

San Andreas actually taken up less space on a PS2 disk compared to Vice City due to advances in compression. If Vice city was once 4.4 Gb and is now 1.5 Gb on iOS, San Andreas would be around 2.4Gb after install. Add for the performance part, the iPhone 5, 5S, iPad 4 and future iPad 5 all have enough CPU and GPU power to easily run the game with the higher resolution. I PS2 only performed around 6Gflops. An iPhone 5 28.8, 5S 76.8 and iPad 4 76.8. The iPad 5 is looking to be 150-200+. They can easily run it. iPhone 4-4S not so much.
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