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Original poster
May 28, 2011
Williamsburg, Virginia
So I've used Things, Omnifocus, and Firetask. Firetask has always been the best, and they proved it by updating the app for iOS 7 and not charging for it. Omnifocus has been great, but charging an additional $20 is kinda pricey and a bit greedy. I know it's a rewrite and all this other stuff, but still. And I gave up on Things.
I think the issue is that the app store doesn't do upgrade pricing. Plus as you stated, its a full rewrite. I don't use the apps, but major changes do cost a lot.

I think the omnigroup's apps are some of the most expensive but nicely done. I use omnigraffle.
I have Firetask too. When I first opened it, it was just overwhelming with the new iOS 7 design.

At the end of the day, the GTD apps are the first to screw us over with upgrade pricing though. :rolleyes: Followed by editors.
I really loved the no charge update for the new Firetask. I really like that app, it's the only that lets you mark a task as "in progress" instead of just done.
So I've used Things, Omnifocus, and Firetask. Firetask has always been the best, and they proved it by updating the app for iOS 7 and not charging for it. Omnifocus has been great, but charging an additional $20 is kinda pricey and a bit greedy. I know it's a rewrite and all this other stuff, but still. And I gave up on Things.

I think I read somewhere that Omni hasn't charged for an update to OmniFocus in 5 years, when the original program was released. That's pretty solid considering what kind of product you are getting.

We've got to get past the mentality that apps are a one and done purchase. For many that might hold up, but larger companies can't get by selling an app once and never getting paid again.
Todo from Appigo has always been my go-to. They put out a new app for iOS 7 and charged for the upgrade but it was worth it in my opinion.
I agree with Todo from Appigo. This app has had many more features (sync!) than Things yet still can't seem to get much recognition.

Appigo has stumbled a bit with pricing/upgrades and their own cloud service. But I've never gotten the feeling they were overcharging for the value their apps bring.

OmniFoucs is just too pricey and to rigid on GTD.

IMHO, Things is greatly over rated due to it's nice UI. Very similar to the reactions I'm seeing to Vesper.
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