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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 30, 2005
South-East UK
Hi All,

Quick question: can anyone recommend a decent piece of software to create user-interface / GUI mock-ups on the Mac? I currently use Visio on the PC, but would rather have something I can use on the Mac.

I've tried the GUI Design stencil on OmniGraffle, but it's not really powerful enough to suit my needs.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!
Interface Builder? It's not really a mock up though! It's how you do it for real. It's drag and drop, pretty easy to use really. Install the Developer Tools and have a play.
Well, you can make a non-functional interface via WYSIWYG drag-and-drop with Interface Builder, part of the free Xcode/developer tools available on Apple's site.

REALBasic works too, but is far buggier, has an OS 9/Windows feel to it, and costs a ton of money.
As others have suggested - use IB. It has a Test Interface menu option that'll create a skeletal (but functional) shell with the UI you've created. I'm not sure off hand if it would populate tableviews / outlineviews with sample data for illustrative purposes, but for most purposes it should be fine.
If IB is pretty much the same kinda thing as VC++*, thats pretty much what I do. Rough mock-up on a POW (Plain Ol' Whiteboard), then it's straight to work dropping controls in the form and writing code around them. Seems to work for me.

* Yeah, I know. VC++ is what we use at work. I don't have a choice in the matter. The way I code, though, I make the guts of the thing pretty much portable, and just write a GUI on top of it. I can just as easily whip up a command line version that compiles on Windows, Mac and Linux no problem, and in fact, I have done so on occasion.
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