Seems that most our iphone & itouch 2.1 firmware users are having lots of problems with the applications that were sshed to the phone. Here is why. When you install an IPA file using itunes it refreshes the cache file called "" meaning it refreshes the list of installed apps on your iphone. When you SSH an application to your phone it will not show up. It will still be going by the old cached file of installed apps. However if you install another IPA in itunes, now both apps will show, since you called the refresh.
Well I don't know about you, but i don't want to have to install an app using itunes after everytime i install an app using SSH.
Well we got a solution now called RESPRING
What you need installed:
Mobile Terminal ( cydia - community sources )
Respring (cydia - )
How it works:
1. Install app / game via SSH
2. start mobile terminal
3. type in "su" without quotes then enter "alpine" for password
4. type in "respring"
Done, now your app should show on the SpringBoard
source article
Well I don't know about you, but i don't want to have to install an app using itunes after everytime i install an app using SSH.
Well we got a solution now called RESPRING
What you need installed:
Mobile Terminal ( cydia - community sources )
Respring (cydia - )
How it works:
1. Install app / game via SSH
2. start mobile terminal
3. type in "su" without quotes then enter "alpine" for password
4. type in "respring"
Done, now your app should show on the SpringBoard
source article