Guitar Hero on Iphone / Itouch
This is for all the guitar hero fanatics out there who cant go without it just like me. This guide will discuss how to transfor the game tab tab into the closest thing to Guiatar hero for the iPhone. I found a guide online somewhere which translated out to alot of work replacing specific files in multiple places using different zip files, way to complicated. So it found another way to do it nice and simple.
Your Iphone / Touch will have to be jailbroken and running 2.X firmware we're doing it on a 2.1 phone.
You will need SSH also installed on your iphone or touch. View our Guide
Step 1.
Goto the app store on your phone and install 'tab tab revenge' or use iTunes to install it.
Step 2.
Download Guitar Hero Tap Tap Version from here and extract it to your desktop.
Step 3.
Connect to your device, there are various ways of doing this weather you are using a mac or a windows pc or linux. We are using windows over usb method since its 5 times quicker then over wifi.
Use our guide here if you are using windows like we are.
Step 4.
After you are connected you have 2 windows one on the left and one on the right. On the right browse to /private/var/mobile/Applications
here you will have random characters divided by 4 dashes such as XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXX You will need to click though each of them to find the one that contains Tap folder inside it. On the left window browse to where you extracted Tap on your desktop.
Select it and hit F5 then Enter
When it prompts to overwrite hit Yes to all.
Step 5.
Click on the Tab folder on the left hand side and select properties.
Then click the Set group checkmark at the bottom and click ok
Reboot the phone
Enjoy the game.
Currently 3 Guitar hero songs but more coming soon.
Bulls On Parade (hard).tap
Metallica One (extreme).tap
Hit Me With Your Best Shot (medium).tap
Full article and video here .
This is for all the guitar hero fanatics out there who cant go without it just like me. This guide will discuss how to transfor the game tab tab into the closest thing to Guiatar hero for the iPhone. I found a guide online somewhere which translated out to alot of work replacing specific files in multiple places using different zip files, way to complicated. So it found another way to do it nice and simple.
Your Iphone / Touch will have to be jailbroken and running 2.X firmware we're doing it on a 2.1 phone.
You will need SSH also installed on your iphone or touch. View our Guide
Step 1.
Goto the app store on your phone and install 'tab tab revenge' or use iTunes to install it.
Step 2.
Download Guitar Hero Tap Tap Version from here and extract it to your desktop.
Step 3.
Connect to your device, there are various ways of doing this weather you are using a mac or a windows pc or linux. We are using windows over usb method since its 5 times quicker then over wifi.
Use our guide here if you are using windows like we are.
Step 4.
After you are connected you have 2 windows one on the left and one on the right. On the right browse to /private/var/mobile/Applications
here you will have random characters divided by 4 dashes such as XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXX You will need to click though each of them to find the one that contains Tap folder inside it. On the left window browse to where you extracted Tap on your desktop.
Select it and hit F5 then Enter

When it prompts to overwrite hit Yes to all.

Step 5.
Click on the Tab folder on the left hand side and select properties.

Then click the Set group checkmark at the bottom and click ok

Reboot the phone
Enjoy the game.

Currently 3 Guitar hero songs but more coming soon.
Bulls On Parade (hard).tap
Metallica One (extreme).tap
Hit Me With Your Best Shot (medium).tap
Full article and video here .