Hey guys found this "new" app and didn't find any posts about it yet.
Beats out TTR and TTR:NIN by far
17 original tracks, not indoe crap like on TTR
Only a few notes, it does crash if you go into tour mode, just buggy but very fun and it lets you play drums and guitar. Also lets you turn our iphone upside down so you don't block the speaker.
Price $9.99
I dont have a link but just search for it
Beats out TTR and TTR:NIN by far
17 original tracks, not indoe crap like on TTR
Only a few notes, it does crash if you go into tour mode, just buggy but very fun and it lets you play drums and guitar. Also lets you turn our iphone upside down so you don't block the speaker.
Price $9.99
I dont have a link but just search for it