"I have deleted the link because selling Lion is illegal at the moment and we think it might lead to potential sales"
This is a precursor of "things to come".
There has been a discussion in several other threads to the effect of "will Apple release Lion on DVD?", instead of making it available as "downloadable only" from The Apple Store.
As I wrote in one of those threads, Apple is trying to "bend the market" to its whims by restricting just how Lion will be sold.
But one does not control "the market". As Adam Smith wrote in "The Wealth of Nations", the market is governed by "an invisible hand" that belongs to no one in particular. The market has its own needs, and will create its own vectors and pathways to satisfy them.
This is "the invisible hand" at work. Whether Apple wishes it to be or not, there IS going to be "a market", possibly a large one, for those who will want Lion but don't have the ability to download it from the Apple store, and who wish to purchase it "in the hard copy".
Whether the copies they buy are "legal" or not will make less of a difference than that they will actually be able to _get_ "a hard copy" of Lion.
I sense we will be seeing more ads "along this theme" in the future.