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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 9, 2011
Christchurch, New Zealand
As you can probably guess from the title, I am a Hackintosh Geek :D
(Only because, being a teenager, I can't afford to pay that much money for a powerful mac). I have made a Hackintosh before, an old computer of ours, worked like a charm. But this time we are trying something a little more serious.

I have built the computer which is currently running linux, but before I instal OSX, had a few questions on the legality of what I am calling "The Hack Pro".
(I Already know the risks about destroying my computer, etc)

1. As far as I understand, as long as I have a legal copy of OSX, then it is not illegal. Is that right?

2. Is Downloading .kexts legal (kind of like mac drivers if you haven't heard of them) because I guess it would be modifying the operating system.

3. What does the user license thing say about installing it on non-apple hardware? (Be honest, almost none of you will have read that whole thing)

Thanks any advice would be much appreciated.
1) while it is not criminal to use Mac Os on non apple hardware, it is again the license agreement and you could see legal consequences.

2) downloading kernel extensions may or not be a violation.

3) you should read the license you purchased

Not sure why any of this matters anyway. You will obviously build the hack and use it regardless.
It states quite clearly in the EULA (End User License Agreement) that it is not permitted to install OS X on Non Apple hardware. There should be no ambiguity or misunderstandings about that, its pretty clear.

As someone has pointed out though, why are you asking? If you really cared then you wouldn't build hackintosh's but obviously you don't because you've already admitted to building them so........
The EULA is just to stop people from mass producing Hackintoshes (What was that company, psystar? Something like that) anyways Apple sued them into oblivion. Your safe if your just using it for a personal computer. TECHNICALLY your violating the EULA, but really if Apple took you to court for it they would be laughed out of the court room (and probably slapped by the judge).
In the USA, EULAs have been both upheld and dismissed. It's a toss up should anyone want to take you to court, which I think is exceedingly unlikely when the EULA is violated for one-off personal use.
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