My keychain includes things like "(fake) Kaspersky web anti-virus certification authority.cer" and there are tons of certificates and passwords that I didn't add to my keychain but are there nevertheless so I don't know what's legit and what isn't- I know I have Kaspersky internet security for real so why is there a fake certificate? Also noticed weird stuff in console and directory utility. I have a folder under web server-->share--> httpd-->then there are cgi- executables, suEXECS, apache 2, ssl, rewrite, vhosts and other stuff that when I read about, it seemed like ppl were putting this linux stuff on their computers on purpose. It just appeared on mine after I started setting up a VPN. Also, no matter how often I uncheck ftp passive mode and delete bypass proxies with "*.local, 169.154/," it always changes those settings back. Am I hacked? Perl python and ruby are also in there.