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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 9, 2006
Do you think it will be hacked to enable usb storage or 1080p movies?
Was the old aTV ever hacked for usb storage? I was thinking of buying
the old one just for the internal storage part, with or without a crystalHD
card, but maybe it's better to wait?
Do you think it will be hacked to enable usb storage or 1080p movies?
Was the old aTV ever hacked for usb storage? I was thinking of buying
the old one just for the internal storage part, with or without a crystalHD
card, but maybe it's better to wait?

I'm interested to see what hacks will be available. The original was hacked to allow usb storage but 1080p is a matter of the hardware, and cannot be changed. Unless the hardware is capable of 1080p and then it only needs to be enabled in software.
Keep in mind there is no internal storage on the new ATV...its a "dumb" streaming box. This alone will make hacking it a lot less desirable for most hackers. You'd also likely have to install a hack on the itunes or computer side as well.

I don't see the hacking options for the new ATV as ever being anywhere as robust and mature as what is available on the old ATV with a HD.
I think it won't be able to run 1080p for one reason.. It's using the same A4 as in the iPhone/iPad... So it ain't powerful enough.

Do you really know this? How do you know that the A4 can not do 1080p?

Also we don't know if the ATV has 512mb of ram or not. We don't even know if it does not have any kind of local flash storage like 8gb or something...Until ifixit does a teardown...later this month...
I'm not sure about these things but I'm positive that the A4 is not the graphics processor. Whatever that is, that will be the ceiling. Also, we don't know if it in fact may have a small amount of storage, I does after all, have to stream high def content and hold your place. When someone tears one apart we'll see what this thing can do. If it had even a small amount of storage, say 4 GB, that would be enough to hold apps like Pandora or Slacker. It doesn't need 32 gigs of storage though. I really don't think it will be playing any games.
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