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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Mar 13, 2007
Never had a kernel panic on my iPod Touch before....just interesting to see it happen on the iPad. Posting the log for the geeks out there that like to look at these things. :D


Incident Identifier: 77C6**********************
CrashReporter Key:   978959910d*********************
Hardware Model:      iPad1,1
Date/Time:       2010-04-05 20:55:20.250 -0400
OS Version:      iPhone OS 3.2 (7B367)

panic(cpu 0 caller 0xc04d1fe9): "IOP watchdog panic: iop_nmi_handler: NMI  "@/SourceCache/AppleS5L8920X/AppleS5L8920X-227.1/AppleS5L8920XARM7M/AppleS5L8920XARM7M.cpp:1203
Debugger message: panic
OS version: 7B367
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 10.3.1: Mon Mar 15 23:15:33 PDT 2010; root:xnu-1504.2.27~18/RELEASE_ARM_S5L8930X
iBoot version: iBoot-817.28
secure boot?: YES
Paniclog version: 1
Task 0xc0ce8d20: 5350 pages, 83 threads: pid 0: kernel_task
	thread 0xe07a6cf0
		kernel backtrace: ed3cbecc
		  lr: 0xc0064e51  fp: 0xed3cbef8
		  lr: 0xc0065087  fp: 0xed3cbf0c
		  lr: 0xc0014bc9  fp: 0xed3cbf34
		  lr: 0xc04d1fe9  fp: 0xed3cbf68
		  lr: 0xc04d2065  fp: 0xed3cbf74
		  lr: 0xc01b4603  fp: 0xed3cbf88
		  lr: 0xc00231a1  fp: 0xed3cbfa8
		  lr: 0xc00632dc  fp: 0x00000000

Task 0xc0ce8b40: 128 pages, 3 threads: pid 1: launchd
Task 0xc0ce81e0: 110 pages, 4 threads: pid 14: syslogd
Task 0xc0ce8000: 116 pages, 1 threads: pid 16: MobileStorageMou
Task 0xc3aa8d20: 408 pages, 2 threads: pid 17: lockdownd
Task 0xc3aa8b40: 1185 pages, 18 threads: pid 18: mediaserverd
Task 0xc3aa8960: 200 pages, 2 threads: pid 19: mDNSResponder
Task 0xc3aa8780: 921 pages, 7 threads: pid 20: locationd
Task 0xc3aa81e0: 324 pages, 1 threads: pid 23: fairplayd.K48
Task 0xc3aa8000: 605 pages, 12 threads: pid 24: configd
Task 0xc3c51d20: 184 pages, 1 threads: pid 25: accessoryd
Task 0xc3c51b40: 6531 pages, 9 threads: pid 26: SpringBoard
Task 0xc3c513c0: 290 pages, 5 threads: pid 30: CommCenter
Task 0xc3c511e0: 227 pages, 2 threads: pid 31: BTServer
Task 0xc3c51000: 590 pages, 3 threads: pid 32: aosnotifyd
Task 0xc1532d20: 99 pages, 2 threads: pid 33: notifyd
Task 0xc1532780: 310 pages, 3 threads: pid 45: apsd
Task 0xc15325a0: 178 pages, 1 threads: pid 46: lsd
Task 0xc15323c0: 5960 pages, 6 threads: pid 47: MobileMail
Task 0xc1532b40: 4550 pages, 6 threads: pid 214: HarborMasterHD
Whats that line with the c plus plus file extension for?
Never had a kernel panic on my iPod Touch before....just interesting to see it happen on the iPad. Posting the log for the geeks out there that like to look at these things. :D


panic(cpu 0 caller 0xc04d1fe9): "IOP watchdog panic: iop_nmi_handler: NMI  "@/SourceCache/AppleS5L8920X/AppleS5L8920X-227.1/AppleS5L8920XARM7M/AppleS5L8920XARM7M.cpp:1203
What do you see on the screen? Does it look like a Mac OS X kernel panic with translucent text on the screen?
A kernel panic is a crash of the whole OS as opposed to just a single app crashing. Under Mac OS X this is fairly rare and this the first time I've seen it documented for iOS. This is something that hopefully never happens to you, but if it does you turn off the device and turn it back on and in most cases you should be fine.
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