Whats up guys? I just have a few questions and opinion questions . . . I got a white macbook 2.0ghz about 10 days ago and I like it a lot so far being as I'm a new Mac user switching from PC's. My computer suddenly started not being able to load the video and support would guide me through it by having me reset the P-ram. After taking it into the mac "genius's" for the second time, the guy told me to just bring back the whole computer the next day with the box and they'll swap it. So . . . I go back the next day and am a little angered by the persistent problem and tell the manager about the problem I'm having. Well when the manager comes out I tell him that this is the second time i've been in here and the guy I spoke to told me to just come and swap it for a new one. Well after he looked at the records he said he found no such comment about me being able to swap for a new one. (possible genius's fault) The guy sounded as though he was speaking down to me almost saying i was lying about the problem and told me he'll have a genius look at it again. One of the genius's started the computer and what do you know the same problem happened again. I told him to reset the p-ram and it would work for a few times and then just happen again. Well being an intermittent problem, they kept my laptop for 24 hours to run diagnostics and they said that one of the guys "reset the preferences," and it was what was causing all the problems and now it should be fixed. I got quite heated in the store while i was there and almost had to get escorted out by security because i felt as though i was getting the run around. Now that i have my computer back it is running very well but i noticed that the battery is all scratched up. I know when i brought it in there were no scratches on my battery compartment so i am very suspicious that they replaced it with another one or scratched it up purposely as "payback" for me standing up to them. Don't really know what to do thinking about going into the mac store and telling them but will it get me anywhere? Any suggestions?!? Thanks.