Well done Beej
UT is a game worth getting addicted to. I'm amazed anyone even wants to playe Q3:A when they can play UT.
Even though the 3D engine for the Quake (and soon Doom) series is supposed to be so great with its curved surfaces et al, the game just doesn't have the feel of control over the character you have in the Unreal series.
I have to say, the biggest advantage for me of UT is that it runs on very modest hardware. I play quite successfully (I'm sure anyone I've played may dispute this!) on my PBG3 333. I really hope they don't lose sight of the trailing edge market with the next Unreal titles.
As for Halo (hey, I managed to get back on-topic), don't you think Apple should have realised that Bungie were a great games company and that they had a killer title up their sleeves and found the money to buy them before Microsoft did?
We might have iHalo as a bundled killer-app in the games department with every Mac by now if that had been the case. Now I know this is wishful thinking, but Bungie started off as a creator of virtually Mac-only games in its early days. Apple should think long and hard if such a valuable company appears again, and snap them up before someone else does.
[I really hope Mac Halo is good. I've been waiting AGES for this game, and won't be buying a new Mac until I know what specs it needs]