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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 10, 2009
Staffordshire, UK

i'm trying to convert some avi files into mp4 files using handbrake.

i select the apple presets as thats where i will be eventually watching it.

the process starts then after a minute or so it crashes

any ideas?

Thanks in advance
Maybe it's a corrupt .avi or even a bug in Handbrake. Which version do you have?

Have you also tried MPEG Streamclip for converting the .avi into an .mp4?
Used to happen to me also... this is how I solved it...
Go into the 'audio & subtitles' tab. There should be 2 tracks shown. Go into source on the track 2 and select none... should do the trick.
There is more about this in the forums if you do a search...
Used to happen to me also... this is how I solved it...
Go into the 'audio & subtitles' tab. There should be 2 tracks shown. Go into source on the track 2 and select none... should do the trick.
There is more about this in the forums if you do a search...

ok thanks guys thanks for your fast replies i will try your suggestions and also give streamclip a tryout
just downloaded streamclip and it seems to be working fine

is streamclip as good as handbrake

It's a different animal, as Handbrake is mostly for converting video DVD material (.vobs) to .avis or .mp4s.
MPEG Streamclip is for converting one format of video into another.
I know that Handbrake does this too now, but MPEG Streamclip does that kind of converting much longer and is freer of bugs than Handbrake, as they just added the ability to convert more than just video DVDs.
I have that problem when attempting to convert .avi taken with my Canon Camera to mp4. Because these are short movies taken with the camera, I just use iSquint, settings for TV, h.264 encoding, quality to Go Nuts. I suppose I could try those settings for Handbrake and maybe get it to work, but for this use, iSquint does it easily and well enough.
I have been having this problem also. Mine has been with .AVI's and .MKV files. Everytime I import them into HandBrake and choose the Apple TV preset is will crash in just about 20 seconds. If I choose PS3 default settings it works fine. :eek:

I too cannot convert .avi files to .mp4 using Handbrake without it crashing. However, I did find that using the "Export to AppleTV" function in QuickTime Pro, I can. Good luck!
The second audio track tip is correct. It was a bug in 0.9.3. The developer snapshot posted at the top of all of the handbrake forums does not have this bug. I highly recommend it.
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