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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 29, 2010
Hi all,

I am trying to rip my Flight of the Conchords boxset, however on the standard ATV2 preset I am getting a pretty bad interlaced picture.

I have searched a bit through the forums, and it seems as though it is recommended to turn on the "Decomb" filter.

I have gone into picture settings and put the decomb on to Default. I did a live preview but I am still getting an image like the following...


Any ideas? Its a PAL DVD.
Decomb sort of removes the wiggles caused by "soft" interlacing. If you aren't sure if the video is interlaced, supposedly decomb is the best choice. If you see strong "hard" interlacing such as your example above, use the de-interlace option set to slowest.
For my 1st gen AppleTV, I use the AppleTV preset and select the Decomb filter (set to Default). That always seems to take care of interlace issues.
For what it's worth... I've never used the decomb filter, have always used Deinterlace Fast and it works fine. Any movie that I question if it will be interlaced, (animated, older movies, or TV Shows from the '80s) I hit the preview button to see if those lines are there.
OK, tried last night. Used the Deinterlace setting (fast i think). Its removed some of it but led to quite a jerky playback. Video was not playing smoothly.

Will try again!
Some older DVDs are just terribly mastered. If they have a mix of different material on disk (like CGI and normal film) then they are often not flagged correctly.

Usually if the material is interlaced you should use:
-Detelcine - Default
-Decomb - Default

Old stuff (like the early Star Trek TNG) that's poorly done breaks due to the Detelcine. For that I do:
-Detelcine - Off
-Deinterlace - Slower

In most cases the top set works well as it's smart and used selectively. The bottom is more of a "dumb" arrangement so it's bluntly applied to everything and can squash detail in scenes that don't need the deinterlacing.
OK, tried a few more times, I have tried a few different settings and presets.
I used High Profile with RF 19.25, and set
-Detelcine - Default
-Decomb - Default
as per the last suggestion. The picture quality is very good. Interlacing seems gone, however the video plays slightly jerky. It is not very smooth.

This keeps happening everytime I add the picture settings to combat the interlacing.
Its really bugging me! Thought it would be a straight forward rip. Would just nab it off iTunes but it seems to go for quite a premium at £19.99 for the two series! Bit of a ripper when I already have the DVDs!

Anymore suggestions?
Tried again using Decomb and ATV1 preset. Still jerky playback. Bloody things doing my head in!
Well i'm still out of ideas and without a solution for this one.

If I use the standard ATV2 I get a nice smooth payback, but with bad interlacing. Anytime I introduce the deblock filter, it deals with the interlacing, but playback is jerky.

Anymore ideas to try or suggestions why? I've tried pretty much every setting recommended!
I have, although no one seems to have offered up any suggestions!
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