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Mar 24, 2009
Title 29 is the correct title for using Handbrake on Disney's Bolt for those that were wondering.
Awesome. Was trying to figure out which one. I think they had like 62 to choose from:eek: LOL.

What did you do, go through all of them:p?
very possible, Wall-E is like that. Even reportedly varied between different pressings for Region 1. Always best to check to make sure for Disney.
Ripped title 29 from the DVD in the latest version of Handbrake and it is playing the scenes out of order. Anyone else have the magic #?
Title 29

Seemed to work fine for me with Bolt. Trying Title 30 for Wall-E now.
Seemed to work fine for me with Bolt. Trying Title 30 for Wall-E now.

Make sure all the chapters are in order... everything looked fine for me at first but scenes in the middle were out of order. Title 23 ended up being the one that worked correctly on our copy (packed in w/Bluray).

Bolt did work fine, chapters in order.

Wall-E - no good for Title 30. All out of order. Funny that the Wall-E one doesn't seem to display the chapter number when playing in my DVD player. Bolt did.

It looks like title 39 was the winner for Wall-E for me.
Might be different per each DVD

Mine was number 23 for Bolt... It is really easy to figure out what title to use for movies such as Bolt and Wall-e where there are 99 to choose from. Play the DVD in apple's DVD player application, click through the menus to play the main feature, and then click on the title in the apple remote control to display the title it is playing.
The only way to know for your specific DVD is to play it in the DVD player and check the title. It's a pain, but its much easier than ripping multiple times, especially if your encode takes a long long time. I get about 7fps with my setup so encoding more than once is a huge waste of time.
Mine was number 23 for Bolt... It is really easy to figure out what title to use for movies such as Bolt and Wall-e where there are 99 to choose from. Play the DVD in apple's DVD player application, click through the menus to play the main feature, and then click on the title in the apple remote control to display the title it is playing.

When I click "title" on the apple control player it just says "not permitted". :(

ETA: By the way, why do some titles have 1-99 anyway? Is it a Disney thing? I just ripped The Incredibles and had no problem.
When I click "title" on the apple control player it just says "not permitted". :(

ETA: By the way, why do some titles have 1-99 anyway? Is it a Disney thing? I just ripped The Incredibles and had no problem.

DRM. I believe this one is called ArcCos?

They don't actually want you to rip the DVD.
FWIW, the correct title on my disc was 17. It was a stand-alone DVD (not the bluray package).

The DVD player trick works well. quicker to do that than google it.
Ok, so mine also says title 29, but when I try it in Handbrake it still doesn't work. :confused: Maybe I just have a version that absolutely can not be transferred. All I want to do is put it on my iPod Touch without rebuying it. Uggghh....
Are you converting straight from the disc?

If so, you might want to rip it with something like mactheripper, and hen convert it with handbrake.
Bolt DVD with Handbrake Title 29

Bolt Run time is 1 hr 36 min 20 Seconds Title 29 worked perfectly ripped successfully yesterday with Handbrake.

Title 29 worked for my disc. I have no idea why it's titled BOLT_US_RENTAL, since we OWN the damn thing. I'm getting INCREDIBLY tired of Disney's draconian DRM. The kids can ONLY watch movies on the AppleTV, so there is NO WAY TO PLAY THE DVD WITHOUT RIPPING IT! If it weren't for Miyazaki I would have completely abandoned Disney. Miyazaki is about to be insufficient to save them for me. I'm really worried about how this is going to play out with Blu-ray. ATM, the only way we can watch blu-ray discs is on the PS3, and that is a horrible kludge. I hope someone cracks the idiotic DRM so we can watch the $1000s we have invested in video. Sorry to rant, but this DRM BS sets me off and makes me seriously consider just not buying any product with DRM again. There is probably enough public domain sheet music to keep us going for decades. :p
Disney movies are all a PITA the past year.

I am seeing that all the new ones have 99 titles and when using handbrake mine are either out of order or the voice and picture are offset by about 2 seconds.... grrrrrrrrrrr
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