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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 5, 2007
Hey guys
I use handbrake to convert 1080p mkv files to appletv 720p format. It usually takes about 8-10 hours for a 2 hour movie. I was curious if people with windows based versions on a pc have faster conversion times?

CPU usage (dual core) reaches around 200% when I do encodes, so I'd assume it wouldn't be any quicker on Windows, unless it uses a different version of the encoders..
The encoders are the same. There should be negligible speed difference between the platforms.
using my hackintosh/windows machine clocked at 3.0GHz the times are pretty much the same.

(using the latest SVN, quoted from memory).

• Mac, 27mins
• PC, 25mins

i guess the small difference would be from what other programs were using up the CPU and RAM etc.

the things i DO notice a difference in are ENCODE QUALITY!! mac version is alot better :)
ok i did an encode finally. on a TS folder of Scrubs. i WOULD attach photos but you loose quality... if you want the full quality screen shot as evidence just PM me with an email address.

here are my settings/specs with the pc vs mac encoding.

handbrake version 0.9.3 on both machines

title 3
saved to desktop
mp4 file
68% constant quality
AC3 passthru
chapter markers created
anamorphic: strict, output 750x574

• started at 6.04pm,
• finished at 6.27pm
• encode time: 23mins
• 22.06fps Average
• file size: 688.5MB (721, 898, 282 bytes)

• started at 3.41pm
• finished at 4.08pm
• encode time: 27mins
• 18.53fps Average
• file size: 715MB (750, 088, 192 bytes)

i ran it on my hackintosh 3.0GHz with 2GB RAM, under windows handbrake an average of 4fps slower then handbrake for Mac. the PC encode is very flakey, and there are artifacts EVERYWHERE, mind you i was streaming it to my laptop..but the mac version was streamed aswell both from windows so i dont understand why its so blotchy.

i have NO idea why the PC version made a bigger file.. wierd. it was worser quality as well.

this clearly shows the difference in handbrake encodes in both time and quality, i.e. Macs are better :)
this clearly shows the difference in handbrake encodes in both time and quality, i.e. Macs are better :)

Would have to have an encode log from each platform to bear this out as truth. Just doesn't make sense tbh. I have to believe that something was different in the two encodes besides which machine it was run on.
Would have to have an encode log from each platform to bear this out as truth. Just doesn't make sense tbh. I have to believe that something was different in the two encodes besides which machine it was run on.

hhmm ok how do i get the log files then?? will they still be on there even though ive restarted the computer/quit handbrake etcetc?
ok so here is the windows log.. couldnt find the mac log :confused::confused:

### Windows GUI 0.9.3 2008112300
### Running: Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2
### CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E4600 @ 2.40GHz
### Ram: 2037 MB
### Screen: 1280x1024
### Temp Dir: C:\Documents and Settings\DoFoT9\Local Settings\Temp\
### Install Dir: C:\Program Files\Handbrake
### Data Dir: C:\Documents and Settings\DoFoT9\Application Data\HandBrake\HandBrake\

### CLI Query: -i "J:\Users\jj4kk\Desktop\SCRUBS_S02_D04\SCRUBS\VIDEO_TS" -t 3 -c 1-5 -o "C:\Documents and Settings\DoFoT9\Desktop\scrubs.m4v" -f m4v -p -e x264 -q 0.68 -a 1 -E ac3 -B 160 -R 0 -6 dpl2 -D 1 --markers="C:\Documents and Settings\DoFoT9\Local Settings\Temp\VIDEO_TS-3-chapters.csv" -x ref=2:bframes=2:me=umh -v
[04:41:44] hb_init: checking cpu count
[04:41:44] hb_init: starting libhb thread
HandBrake 0.9.3 (2008112300) -
2 CPUs detected
Opening J:\Users\jj4kk\Desktop\SCRUBS_S02_D04\SCRUBS\VIDEO_TS...
[04:41:44] hb_scan: path=J:\Users\jj4kk\Desktop\SCRUBS_S02_D04\SCRUBS\VIDEO_TS, title_index=3
[04:41:44] scan: trying to open with libdvdread
[04:41:44] scan: DVD has 47 title(s)
[04:41:44] scan: scanning title 3
[04:41:44] scan: opening IFO for VTS 1
[04:41:44] pgc_id: 3, pgn: 1: pgc: 0x1585c70
[04:41:44] scan: vts=1, ttn=3, cells=0->4, blocks=0->2060448, 498416 blocks
[04:41:44] scan: duration is 00:20:15 (1215000 ms)
[04:41:44] scan: checking audio 1
[04:41:44] scan: id=80bd, lang=English (AC3), 3cc=eng ext=1
[04:41:44] scan: checking audio 2
[04:41:44] scan: id=81bd, lang=Francais (AC3), 3cc=fra ext=1
[04:41:44] scan: checking audio 3
[04:41:44] scan: id=82bd, lang=Italiano (AC3), 3cc=ita ext=1
[04:41:44] scan: checking audio 4
[04:41:44] scan: id=83bd, lang=Deutsch (AC3), 3cc=deu ext=1
[04:41:44] scan: checking audio 5
[04:41:44] scan: id=84bd, lang=Espanol (AC3), 3cc=spa ext=1
[04:41:44] scan: checking subtitle 1
[04:41:44] scan: id=20bd, lang=English (Closed Caption), 3cc=eng
[04:41:44] scan: checking subtitle 2
[04:41:44] scan: id=21bd, lang=English, 3cc=eng
[04:41:44] scan: checking subtitle 3
[04:41:44] scan: id=22bd, lang=Francais, 3cc=fra
[04:41:44] scan: checking subtitle 4
[04:41:44] scan: id=23bd, lang=Italiano, 3cc=ita
[04:41:44] scan: checking subtitle 5
[04:41:44] scan: id=24bd, lang=Deutsch, 3cc=deu
[04:41:44] scan: checking subtitle 6
[04:41:44] scan: id=25bd, lang=Espanol, 3cc=spa
[04:41:44] scan: checking subtitle 7
[04:41:44] scan: id=26bd, lang=Norsk, 3cc=nor
[04:41:44] scan: checking subtitle 8
[04:41:44] scan: id=27bd, lang=Dansk, 3cc=dan
[04:41:44] scan: checking subtitle 9
[04:41:44] scan: id=28bd, lang=Svenska, 3cc=swe
[04:41:44] scan: checking subtitle 10
[04:41:44] scan: id=29bd, lang=Suomi, 3cc=fin
[04:41:44] scan: checking subtitle 11
[04:41:44] scan: id=2abd, lang=Nederlands, 3cc=nld
[04:41:44] scan: checking subtitle 12
[04:41:44] scan: id=2bbd, lang=Francais (Forced Caption), 3cc=fra
[04:41:44] scan: checking subtitle 13
[04:41:44] scan: id=2cbd, lang=Italiano (Forced Caption), 3cc=ita
[04:41:44] scan: checking subtitle 14
[04:41:44] scan: id=2dbd, lang=Deutsch (Forced Caption), 3cc=deu
[04:41:44] scan: checking subtitle 15
[04:41:44] scan: id=2ebd, lang=Espanol (Forced Caption), 3cc=spa
[04:41:44] scan: title 3 has 5 chapters
[04:41:44] scan: chap 1 c=0->0, b=0->86139 (86140), 205443 ms
[04:41:44] scan: chap 2 c=1->1, b=86140->279071 (192932), 463635 ms
[04:41:44] scan: chap 3 c=2->2, b=279072->487221 (208150), 509734 ms
[04:41:44] scan: chap 4 c=3->3, b=487222->498409 (11188), 35185 ms
[04:41:44] scan: chap 5 c=4->4, b=2060443->2060448 (6), 1001 ms
[04:41:44] scan: aspect = 0
[04:41:44] scan: decoding previews for title 3
[04:41:44] scan: audio 0x80bd: AC-3, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=192000 English (AC3) (2.0 ch)
[04:41:44] scan: audio 0x81bd: AC-3, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=192000 Francais (AC3) (2.0 ch)
[04:41:44] scan: audio 0x82bd: AC-3, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=192000 Italiano (AC3) (2.0 ch)
[04:41:44] scan: audio 0x83bd: AC-3, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=192000 Deutsch (AC3) (2.0 ch)
[04:41:44] scan: audio 0x84bd: AC-3, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=192000 Espanol (AC3) (2.0 ch)
[04:41:44] scan: 10 previews, 720x576, 25.000 fps, autocrop = 2/0/10/6, aspect 4:3, PAR 16:15
[04:41:44] scan: title (0) job->width:704, job->height:544
[04:41:44] libhb: scan thread found 1 valid title(s)
+ title 3:
+ vts 1, ttn 3, cells 0->4 (498416 blocks)
+ duration: 00:20:15
+ size: 720x576, aspect: 1.33, 25.000 fps
+ autocrop: 2/0/10/6
+ chapters:
+ 1: cells 0->0, 86140 blocks, duration 00:03:25
+ 2: cells 1->1, 192932 blocks, duration 00:07:44
+ 3: cells 2->2, 208150 blocks, duration 00:08:30
+ 4: cells 3->3, 11188 blocks, duration 00:00:35
+ 5: cells 4->4, 6 blocks, duration 00:00:01
+ audio tracks:
+ 1, English (AC3) (2.0 ch), 48000Hz, 192000bps
+ 2, Francais (AC3) (2.0 ch), 48000Hz, 192000bps
+ 3, Italiano (AC3) (2.0 ch), 48000Hz, 192000bps
+ 4, Deutsch (AC3) (2.0 ch), 48000Hz, 192000bps
+ 5, Espanol (AC3) (2.0 ch), 48000Hz, 192000bps
+ subtitle tracks:
+ 1, English (Closed Caption) (iso639-2: eng)
+ 2, English (iso639-2: eng)
+ 3, Francais (iso639-2: fra)
+ 4, Italiano (iso639-2: ita)
+ 5, Deutsch (iso639-2: deu)
+ 6, Espanol (iso639-2: spa)
+ 7, Norsk (iso639-2: nor)
+ 8, Dansk (iso639-2: dan)
+ 9, Svenska (iso639-2: swe)
+ 10, Suomi (iso639-2: fin)
+ 11, Nederlands (iso639-2: nld)
+ 12, Francais (Forced Caption) (iso639-2: fra)
+ 13, Italiano (Forced Caption) (iso639-2: ita)
+ 14, Deutsch (Forced Caption) (iso639-2: deu)
+ 15, Espanol (Forced Caption) (iso639-2: spa)
Reading chapter markers from file C:\Documents and Settings\DoFoT9\Local Settings\Temp\VIDEO_TS-3-chapters.csv
Invalid sample rate 0, using input rate 48000
[04:41:44] 1 job(s) to process
[04:41:44] starting job
[04:41:44] job configuration:
[04:41:44] * source
[04:41:44] + J:\Users\jj4kk\Desktop\SCRUBS_S02_D04\SCRUBS\VIDEO_TS
[04:41:44] + title 3, chapter(s) 1 to 5
[04:41:44] * destination
[04:41:44] + C:\Documents and Settings\DoFoT9\Desktop\scrubs.m4v
[04:41:44] + container: MPEG-4 (.mp4 and .m4v)
[04:41:44] + chapter markers
[04:41:44] * video track
[04:41:44] + decoder: mpeg2
[04:41:44] + bitrate 9800 kbps
[04:41:44] + frame rate: same as source (around 25.000 fps)
[04:41:44] + strict anamorphic
[04:41:44] + storage dimensions: 720 * 576 -> 704 * 574, crop 2/0/10/6
[04:41:44] + pixel aspect ratio: 16 / 15
[04:41:44] + display dimensions: 750 * 574
[04:41:44] + encoder: x264
[04:41:44] + options: ref=2:bframes=2:me=umh
[04:41:44] + quality: 0.68
[04:41:44] * audio track 0
[04:41:44] + decoder: English (AC3) (2.0 ch) (track 1, id 80bd)
[04:41:44] + bitrate: 192 kbps, samplerate: 48000 Hz
[04:41:44] + AC3 passthrough
[04:41:44] reader: first SCR 146
[04:41:44] mpeg2: "Chapter 1" (1) at frame 0 time 3600
[04:41:44] encx264: encoding with stored aspect 16/15
[04:41:44] encx264: Encoding at constant RF 16.320000
x264 [warning]: width or height not divisible by 16 (704x574), compression will suffer.
x264 [info]: using SAR=16/15
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 Cache64
x264 [info]: profile Main, level 3.0
No accelerated IMDCT transform found
[04:41:44] a52_syncinfo failed
[04:41:44] a52_syncinfo ok
[04:41:44] sync: expecting 30399 video frames
[04:41:44] sync: first pts is 3600
[04:41:44] sync: video time didn't advance - dropped 9 frames (delta 320 ms, current 43200, next 46800, dur 3600)
[04:46:26] mpeg2: "Chapter 2" (2) at frame 5149 time 18507600
[04:57:02] mpeg2: "Chapter 3" (3) at frame 16725 time 60181200
[05:08:33] mpeg2: "Chapter 4" (4) at frame 29452 time 105998400
[05:08:56] dvd: end of cell 4 at block 2060443
[05:08:56] reader: done. 2 scr changes
[05:08:57] mpeg2: "Chapter 5" (5) at frame 30350 time 109231200
[05:08:57] 1213.680000s: Video -> Film
[05:08:58] sync: got 30341 frames, 30399 expected
[05:08:58] work: average encoding speed for job is 18.576015 fps
[05:08:58] mpeg2 done: 30351 frames
[05:08:58] render: lost time: 0 (0 frames)
[05:08:58] render: gained time: 0 (0 frames) (0 not accounted for)
x264 [info]: slice I:377 Avg QP:14.52 size: 72228 PSNR Mean Y:48.50 U:51.64 V:52.30 Avg:49.29 Global:48.11
x264 [info]: slice P:13474 Avg QP:17.09 size: 35044 PSNR Mean Y:44.33 U:47.93 V:48.73 Avg:45.27 Global:44.91
x264 [info]: slice B:16491 Avg QP:19.02 size: 13415 PSNR Mean Y:43.12 U:47.41 V:48.32 Avg:44.16 Global:43.79
x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames: 6.0% 45.8% 48.2%
x264 [info]: mb I I16..4: 19.3% 0.0% 80.7%
x264 [info]: mb P I16..4: 2.9% 0.0% 14.2% P16..4: 35.5% 29.1% 16.9% 0.0% 0.0% skip: 1.4%
x264 [info]: mb B I16..4: 7.0% 0.0% 0.0% B16..8: 39.3% 5.5% 5.1% direct:29.3% skip:13.9% L0:22.1% L1:38.2% BI:39.7%
x264 [info]: ref P L0 82.6% 17.4%
x264 [info]: SSIM Mean Y:0.9805991
x264 [info]: PSNR Mean Y:43.722 U:47.694 V:48.549 Avg:44.718 Global:44.288 kb/s:4750.06
[05:08:59] libhb: work result = 0
Rip done!

############ End of Log ##############

EDIT: i founds the mac one, hope its the right one! looks to wont let me attach it though because its massively long..
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