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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 28, 2008
I've been ripping some older disc that I have and everything is working fine.
Except, however, Saving Private Ryan.

After handbrake is done, I try to run it through iFlicks and it tells me it is "not a movie file."

It's also giving me a result of 4.17GB (I realize it is a long movie.)
It says it is .m4v

But it won't run on iTunes.

I even tried ripping it with MTR and then converting to handbrake.
The rip will play on DVD player but once I run it through handbrake, I still get "not a movie file."

As I said, all other movies a ripping fine.

Sounds like maybe you didn't select "Large File Size" in Handbrake? Without it, files over 4GB are lost forever.
Yup, definitely make sure the "Large File Size" option is checked off. I can't think of any other reason the file wouldn't be playing.

If that doesn't work for you, it'd help us help you if you could tell us what preset (or customized setting) you are using, and possibly provide an activity log.
pastebinned activity log for the encode == answer.

I personally am betting its not using 64 bit (large file size) ... which also means its not the atv2 preset.
not an answer to your question, but i did my usual rip of a blu-ray for saving private ryan with anydvd on and clown_bd to get the full .mt2s file which I always throw into handbrake and encode w/ the apple tv 2 preset. most movies are 2-3 gb. i'm fine with that. saving private ryan comes in at over 10 gb! no idea why.
I bet it is the file size thing and for what it is worth but when I encoded SPR the file size was slightly over 4 gb as well.

Just something about that movie results in a large file.
Sounds like maybe you didn't select "Large File Size" in Handbrake? Without it, files over 4GB are lost forever.

Yup, definitely make sure the "Large File Size" option is checked off. I can't think of any other reason the file wouldn't be playing.

If that doesn't work for you, it'd help us help you if you could tell us what preset (or customized setting) you are using, and possibly provide an activity log.

Thanks Gents -- Spot on

which also means its not the atv2 preset.
I use universal because I need the ability to play on my ipod Classic also.
Really, good to know so what is the downside of not using constant quality.
well, picking an arbitrary bitrate (using abr in hb) means as far as having an expected level of visual quality will be like throwing ***** at a wall to see what sticks.

On a source like Saving Private Ryan the high bitrate / large file size is required to achieve the rf 20 level of quality. You could lower the bitrate and use abr encoding but the quality won't be there, However, many/most sources might not need anywhere near the bitrate SPR needs for the same visual quality (say a fairly still dark scene of two people talking). One might need 4000 kbps vs the other needing 700 kbps. In one case you don't have enough bitrate for the right visual quality and in the next you are using *way* more bitrate than needed.

Constant Quality: Maintains a given level of visual quality (via the "RF" value) bitrate be damned.

Average Bitrate Encoding (ABR): Maintans a specified bitrate .... visual quality be damned.

They are pretty much opposites.

In general Constant Quality encoding is very much preferred, unless you have a specific need to use a specified bitrate.
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Thanks Gents -- Spot on

I use universal because I need the ability to play on my ipod Classic also.

Realize that Saving Private Ryan is kind of a special case (not the only one like it but is well known to be a constant quality nightmare file size wise due to its duration and heavy use of artificial grain, which is an encoders worst nightmare).

There *is* one other option and still use Constant Quality encoding which should keep it under 4 GB ....

Add this in the Advanced panel in the box with all of the options listed in a text string.

Soo, the universal preset advanced options string would look like this:


Basically that will let HB still vary the bitrate accordingly to the source frames *but* will put a cap on how high they can go. Therefore the really grainy scenes (like the battle scenes) won't spike as high and therefore keep the file size down. Try it. I would wager it will solve the issue.

Yes, the ipod classic (and old 5G ipods) don't grok 64 bit mp4's which is why its not enabled for Universal.

Hope this helps.
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