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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 8, 2017
Dear all, I just updated to Sierra and got the new Photos application which, as one says, is enough (artificially) intelligent to assign keywords to my pics.
I have been manually assigning keywords to good old iPhoto for years, which is, doing it thoroughly, a quite time-consuming process. Therefore, if the AI function is any good, I would just love to use it.

Do some of you have experience (or even just slight insights) into the following questions:

1. Can I manage those automatically added keywords the same way as "normal" ones? And if this would be the case: where?
2. Is it possible to map manually assigned keywords to automatic ones? (Say, liking to get rid of duplicates, replacing manual by auto keywords)?

Looking forward to sharing experiences with you!

Best regards & hiube hinech, Thomas


macrumors member
Apr 8, 2015
Hi! Unfortunately as of now you can´t do any of that. The auto keywords gets added "behind the scenes" and the only way of finding them seems to be searching in the search field for different subjects. You cannot control them in any way. Might change in later versions, who knows? :)
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