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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 16, 2013
South Eastern Australia
I use the app Jotter to take quick notes. However, for me it's overly complex for what I want and it's also slow to start with unnecessary splash screens.

I'd like a note app similar (or the same as ) an Android based one which I used to use called "AppMemo".

Basically, it opens to a blank screen and you can start writing immediately. Tap the top of the screen and a menu bar appears to page forward to a new memo page or back to view previous notes.

I've had a look around but I've not found anything in the App Store.

Any suggestions?

Just looked it up. Doesn't mention anything about handwriting input.

Thing is, it looks rather complex. I really just need something that mimics a basic notepad...

Finally, I'm not keen on "trialing" apps where they don't have trial versions.
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