OK, am in the middle of building up a new Mac Pro and retiring my 2006. This new one started life as a 2009 single processor quad core that I picked up for $500 odd at auction. Have updated the firmware to 5.1 firmware. Brand new dual processor board and heat sinks set me back $700 odd, and for a couple of $K I picked up, after much hassle with the first pair being stolen in transit, a pair of 3.42GHz X5690 6 core processors. Add in the sub $500 for 48GB RAM and the $500 for a 2GB GTX680 Works in 10.8 just no boot screen yet, only boots to desktop) and for $4k odd I have a machine that trounces the current $10K offering from Apple and maxing theirs only gives you 3.06GHz and a 1GB 5870. This is all in Aussie dollars BTW.
So now I'm also transferring the SSDs and stuff over from my old 2006 Mac Pro, and an Areca 1882 RAID card. Have 4 of them mounted in the traditional bays on MaxConnect sleds that connect them to the RAID card, and am in the middle of making a full length PCI sized/shaped tray to mount another 4 onto somewhat akin to this without the PCI connector etc: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Mac-Arra...ltDomain_0&hash=item1e6f421bf9#ht_2234wt_1413 BUT I also have another 4 SSDs I want to hang off the 4 that are up in the drive trays. So fitting 12 in total for RAIDing plus in the second optical bay another SSD for BootCamp and a 2TB spinner for TimeMachine.
So I want something kinda like this: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/2-5-3-5-...ultDomain_0&hash=item231ad786cc#ht_768wt_1180 but with it being a 2.5 to 3.5 adapter, just a flat plate to stack one under the other. Worst case scenario I may just cut up some plastic and make them myself but would rather something a bit nicer, however when I Google the only items I can find are either IcyDocks which I'm not convinced will quite fit properly how I'm using them, or various versions of the above 2.5" to 3.5" adapter. Other option may be to buy some of the above adapters and Dremel of the bit that makes them 3.5". Rather avoid the hassle tho if possible.
So after that long winded post, anyone ever seen anything like what I am taking about? Just some thin flat plates with mounting holes for 2x 2.5 drives stacked one on top the other.
So now I'm also transferring the SSDs and stuff over from my old 2006 Mac Pro, and an Areca 1882 RAID card. Have 4 of them mounted in the traditional bays on MaxConnect sleds that connect them to the RAID card, and am in the middle of making a full length PCI sized/shaped tray to mount another 4 onto somewhat akin to this without the PCI connector etc: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Mac-Arra...ltDomain_0&hash=item1e6f421bf9#ht_2234wt_1413 BUT I also have another 4 SSDs I want to hang off the 4 that are up in the drive trays. So fitting 12 in total for RAIDing plus in the second optical bay another SSD for BootCamp and a 2TB spinner for TimeMachine.
So I want something kinda like this: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/2-5-3-5-...ultDomain_0&hash=item231ad786cc#ht_768wt_1180 but with it being a 2.5 to 3.5 adapter, just a flat plate to stack one under the other. Worst case scenario I may just cut up some plastic and make them myself but would rather something a bit nicer, however when I Google the only items I can find are either IcyDocks which I'm not convinced will quite fit properly how I'm using them, or various versions of the above 2.5" to 3.5" adapter. Other option may be to buy some of the above adapters and Dremel of the bit that makes them 3.5". Rather avoid the hassle tho if possible.
So after that long winded post, anyone ever seen anything like what I am taking about? Just some thin flat plates with mounting holes for 2x 2.5 drives stacked one on top the other.